chapter twenty one

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Yeosin has not slept for the whole night, even when she was sleep deprived, she stayed up talking to herself like a crazy person and Ji-hun just watches..

By morning Yeosin starts cleaning her room, minutes turned into hours and by the time it was five in the morning Yeosin was all done with cleaning, and her room looked like nothing ever happened, except for the missing mirror and vases, before waking Ji-hun up...

"Wake up idiot.."

"What's your problem?" He groans.. "leave me alone, I want to sleep.."

"I swear to God if you don't get off my bed, I will fucken throw water on you and you know I will do it.." she threatens..

"I hate you.." Ji-hun says as he gets up from the bed, and walks out of the room..

Yeosin takes a bath and rebandages her hand which Ji-hun had bandaged last night as it had started bleeding again..

She opens the door but bumps into Ji-hun instead..

"Can't you watch where you are going?"

"No why?" Ji-hun answers and just walks away, leaving Yeosin to deal with her inner demons, who really want to strangle Ji-hun to death at the moment..

"Brat.." she mumbles before walking downstairs..

Dinning room..

The family is having lunch, including Seokjin who got discharged a few hours ago and Ji-hun keeps glaring at him.., and Namjoon still at the hospital under doctors observation...

Everybody is eating and all of a sudden Ji Hong throws keys across the table, which almost lend on Yeosin's plate of food, but Yeosin does not bather to look up...

"Those are your car keys, you can take Ana...." He says eyeing Yeosin...

Yeosin continues chewing her food while looking down not making eye contact with anyone, she swallow her food and finally looks up at her father with no emotions on her face...

Yeosin grabs the car keys and stands up from her chair, she walks up to one of the maids, takes her hand and places to keys in them.

"Keep them"

Yeosin says, eyes her father who's eyes were now open out of shocked, he gave her that car, she loved that car like it was her child, how can she just give it away. Yeosin walks out of the room and walks to her room..

And Ji-hun always stands up from the table.. "I have lost my appetite.." he says before walking up to the servant who has Yeosin's car keys and grabs them for her.. "bring that.." before walking out..

A few minutes later Yeosin and Ji-hun comes down stairs, while Yeosin is busy putting on her glaves and Ji-hun just busy on his phone, which Ji Hong notices...

"Yeosin.." Ji Hong calls making Yeosin and stop, leading to Ji-hun to bump into to her back, as he lets out curses..

"Where are you two going?" He asks..

Yeosin just looks at him with her died eyes, dropping her arms on the sides of her body, she looks away and walks out with saying a word and Ji-hun just follows,  which scared the boys, but Hoseok seems to be more scared than anyone....

A few minutes late Yeosin and Ji-hun walks into the back house old library, she goes to a book shelf and pulls a book out and soon it revealse a passage way...

They walks in and soon it closes behind them,  walking even farther into the dark corridor, which soon revealse some sort of light, they keep waking, and soon they meet about three man standing at a closed down...

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