chapter thirty four

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It has been two weeks since Park Jimin and Jk have been living in the Hong Mansion, and much has not really happened appart from the snooping Jimin has been doing, but everytime he gets cought by Ji-hun....

While Jk has been trying to get too close to Ji-hun, maybe to say something, but Ji-hun seems to be two steps ahead than him, even when Jk tried to drug him three days ago and instead Jungkook ended up drinking the spiked drink....

While Yeosin and Hoseok's arguing just keeps getting louder and louder, and now Ji Hong and Namjoon are getting tought of breaking them apart, especially when Yeosin is holding Hoseok by the neck and Hoseok pulling her hair...

And nowadays Yoongi has not been creating much trouble with Hoseok or Jungkook, but he is annoyed with Ji-hun even though he knows he can't really do anything to him, if he does he will be sure Ji-hun will blather his mouth out to Yeosin, and that is one thing he does not want...

Everyone is now in the garden area and just enjoying themselves and when I say enjoy I mean Ji Hong and Haneul just cuddling on the outdoor couch, Seokjin just going through his phone, Namjoon reading his third book today...

Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook are busy playing football and Yoongi just continuing his game as usual..

While Jk is busy doing some work on his leptop and trying to block the noise the other Hong children are making, well don't get him wrong the boys are just too loud...

While Jimin just abbserves the surounding and check on the security around the house, seems peaceful..

But when it comes to Yeosin and Ji-hun, well their way of fun is to break bones, because right now they are in the middle of a sand pite ready to rumble...

"I will beat you this time.." Ji-hun says..

"Let's see about that.." Yeosin replies with a smirk on her face...

For the next thirty minutes Yeosin and Ji-hun battle it down, attracting to attention of everyone else except the cuddling couple of course..

Ji-hun tries to use the attack method on Yeosin but only got her a few scratches, he also manages to get her on her knees but not her back and by now Yoongi is boiling in furry...

This time Yeosin uses the attack method on Ji-hun why he uses the defense but seems like is defence is not that good, leading him with a bruised cheek and lip along with a torn shift slightly showing his arm tattoo...

It has been an hour since they have been on each other and finally Ji-hun gives up, while clearly got Yoongi smiling from ear to ear..

"Can I try??"

Suddenly a voice speaks, Ji-hun and Yeosin look at the figure who happens to be Park Jimin just standing behind Ji-hun...

Yeosin abbserves the young man, knowing very well that she could kill him in seconds especially when she knows his moves even though they only fought once..

"Okay..." Yeosin agrees...

Ji-hun walks away from the sand pite and walks into the house to change his shirt, while Jimin removes his jacket along with his shoes before getting into the pite...

For the few next minutes Jimin and Yeosin go head to head. Jimin decides to go for defence and Yeosin for attack, good plan Park Jimin because it seems like he knows how to use his defense more than his attack...

Jimin manages to dorg Yeosin's punches very smoothly, clearly she was not putting any effort into her attack moves but abbserveing Jimin's ever move very careful...

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