chapter thirty two

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Yeosin, Ji Hong and Ji-hun walk into the dark house and the constant whining from both the men is now getting on her nerves..

"Oh, my back hurts like a bitch" Ji Hong says. "I have not done this much shit in my life.."

"You are getting old??" She teases.

Ji Hong just gives her a glare and Sprints to his room..

"Good night" Ji-hun wishes and walks upstairs to his room..

Just as Yeosin was about to do the same thing, she hears some muffling making her stop, she listens and the sound seems to bed coming from the kitchen...

Drawing her gun she slowly takes step to the kitchen just to be met with Hoseok going through the refrigerator with a mouth full of cake...

She puts her gun away and walks and stands right next to him, while Hoseok is just busy stuffing his mouth with any food he could find in the refrigerator...

"If you keep eating like that you might end up choking and then dieing"


Hoseok lets out a loud scream before falling on the ground, looking at Yeosin with his wide eyes...

"What are you doing in the kitchen at four in the morning??"

"Eating, can't you see?" He asks with so much attitude, making Yeosin scoff at his words..

"Your attitude level is getting high, bring it down because I'm not liking it..."

"And you think I give a shit?" He scoffs and continues eating the banana while having bread in the other hand...

"You really wish to died don't you??" Yeosin let's out, getting a bottle of water for the refrigerator...

But just as she lifts her head up she spots a red dot hovering over Hoseok's face and suddenly stops right at his forehead, which sends shock waves through Yeosin's body..

Without wasting time she jumps on Hoseok's body and they both fall down with Yeosin on top of Hoseok...

The bullet that was aimed at Hoseok's head goes through the open window and hits the back of a cupboard, just behind Hoseok's head was, but luckily it did not make any noise to wake anyone up, but Yeosin and Hoseok definitely noticed it..

"What the hell was that??" Hoseok asks with fear and sudden sweat on his forehead..

"Stay down if you want to live.." she says, still on top of Hoseok...

"What??" Trying to move, and Yeosin sends him a deadly glare, before pinning him down with her arm on his neck..

"Did you not hear what I said, stay down.." she says through graining teeth, making Hoseok stop his constant movement...

Yeosin fishes out her phone and dials a phone number, after three minutes ringing the person on the other side decided to pickup...

"What do you want, can you let me sleep??"

"Ji-hun, I'm in dipshit and I need your fuckin ass here.." she whisper yells over the phone..

"What shit are you talking about??"

"Well right now I'm in the fuckin kitchen with a fuckin sniper on my head and I can't fucken move, so you better get your ass down here now.."

"On my way"

With that Ji-hun hangs up the phone, and Yeosin puts her's in her pocket..

"You are chocking me..." Hoseok manages to say, snapping Yeosin back to face him..

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