chapter thirty five

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🚫 warning 🚫

Please read..

Wattpad mixed up my chapters..
This chapter is thirty five and the next chapter is thirty four, don't get confused..

Please jump this chapter and read thirty four first and come back later to read this one..

Thank you, have a blessed day or night...


It's around midnight, stars shinning and the moon shinning down on the earth, beautiful you could say but you already know that nothing is beautiful in the world of a Mafia..

In a dark building stood several men surrounding it with their guns, just waiting for some fool to appear and Bang died, being a Mafia's employee is not an easy task, because the bullshit you gat to do is to much...

In a dark room of the building stood a few men surrounding a person tied up in a chair and his head covered and another man maybe in his late fifty's sitting across the tied up man..

He slowly walks to the male and removes the black bag on his head, he lets the young male agust to the light or maybe darkness before looking at the man infront of him...

"She is coming..." The older man says...

But the boy just lets out a scoff and rolls his eyes at the older man's words...

"Why will that bitch even come for me, it's not as if she cares about me.." Jimin let's out, disgusted at the thought of Yeosin ever coming so fare for him, noways..

"She will come, I know it.." the man turns to his chair.. "she follows the wolf's ways and one of them is protecting the pack.." taking his sit. " She will come and then I can kill her.."

Jimin gives the man a 'what the fuck' look.. "why do you even want to kill her??"

"Not her but them, I want to kill the whole Hong family.?"

"Why?" Jimin asks with a confused face...


"I hope I did not miss the party!!"

A new and familiar voice suddenly achos throughout the room, making everyone flinch at the Grand entrance of the one and only Hong Yeosin...

As soon as the older man sees her he points his gun towards Jimin's head...

"Whoa.." she lets out still catching her breathe.. "if I were you I wouldn't do that.."

"Finally you are here.." the man says... "Where is that brother of yours by the way?"

"You wanted him??"

"I wanted all of you, both of you.."

"Well thank you lucky stars because he is not here.." she says.. "because if he was he would have killed you a long time ago, he's not one to play with.."

The man let's out a sarcastic laugh, before looking at Yeosin again s he presses the gun harder on Jimin's head...

"Please.." he starts with a smirk.. "I'm not scared of you, niether your psychopathic brother.."

"You should be.." She says... "Because I was eating dinner when you called me you know, and I hate it when I have to leave my food, for useless people like you.."

"Then leave.." Jimin spats..

"Keep quiet you, nobody asked you to speak.." the man cuts Jimin off.. "and you" looking back at Yeosin.. "my family.."

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