chapter fourty two

19 3 2

"Who the fuck tied Jimin to the fuckin bed!"

A voice that had not been heard in two months and weeks, that stern voice, a voice that could kill even the most of strongest men, Hong Yeosin's voice achos throughout the living room as she steps to the comfortable room, which kind of turned uncomfortable at her presents...

"She's back.." Ji-hun groans as he got to his feet to look at Yeosin. "Good afternoon brat.." he gives out a small smile.

"I asked who tied Jimin up??"

"That was me.." a voice coming from the kitchen says, Yeosin lets out a frown before the person showed themselves...

"Doctor Park Hoon.." she says staring at the man who was still in pajamas, at three in the afternoon...

"That's me.." raising his hand alittle above his head, with a cut smile, how old is this man?

"Why??" That's all Yeosin asks placing her hands on her waist...

"The boy has been out control, he almost killed my nurse and hurt his brothers and along with that he tried running away, so..."

"So you decided to tie him up like an animal?" She cuts him off...

Doctor Park lets out a chuckle and looks back at Yeosin.. "if you say it like that, then I did tie him up like an animal.."

"Excuse me, what?" She lets out as she starts moving closer to the doctor, but Ji-hun grabs her arm, but forget his shoulder has not healed yet, so he lets out a hiss...

Yeosin notices his uncomfortableness and looks at him, before grabbing the collar of Ji-hun's long coat, before pulling it down, and instantly notices the big bump on his shoulder...

"What happened to your shoulder?" Looking at Ji-hun...

"Your little brother did this to me.."

"Which one?"

"Who else?" He asks.. "but that Jimin.."

"Excuse me, who did what now?" She asks again, maybe she heard wrong, how can Jimin, what?

"Stop with the jokes." He mumbles before sitting back down "he shot me in the shoulder, man I wish I could just strangle him.."

"How did.." she pauses as something pops up in her mind, as she leaks her bottom lip.. "oh, seems like the boy is a fast learner..."

"Fast learner??" Finally Jimin say something, as he confusedly looks at Yeosin...

"I taught him how to use a hand gun, the boy used to trail out of my sight for some damn excuse he always used to come up with.." she explains..

"Seems like he is a fast learner..." She continues, as she takes a sit.. "but the question is how the fuck did I get home, who brought us back?"

"Jimin did.." Ji Hong finally speaks as he looks at him tablet.. "that boy ran my gate down just to get you here.."

"When he got to Seoul, he was not in his senses, he was dehydrated, hungry and his body was warn out, we tried to get to him but he shot us.." Jimin explains.. "then drove through the whole media, crashing everything before getting home.."

"Even the men were scared to step forward to help him carry you, he had a gun and he was willing to use it..." Ji Hong completes for Jimin...

"And along with that he sent Shang Du Yi in to a hospital, in a critical condition, that's what his men said.." Jimin says whispering the last part...

"I don't believe that shit.." Yeosin lets out.. "I was going to believe that he shot both of you, but what you three said is totally exaggerations..."

All the four men in the room gusp at Yeosin's words as the give her a 'you think we are lieing bitch' look...

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