chapter seventeen

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It has been a week since they met with Arav Devi, her meeting with the Mexican buyer as been postponed multiple times and it's getting on their nerves now...

The twenty girls have been distributed amongst the strip clubs that they owns, yes they owns strip clubs dozens of them, they had to continue the family business after all..

Yeosin is sitting in a room full of men dressed in black suits along with Ji-hun who is standing next to a white board looking at the man sitting on the other side of the table....

He looked dark, his legs crossed with a cigarette in his hands, his hair dark just like the glasses hanging from his half battoned shirt...

"Let get started.." Ji-hun says and turns towards the white board as it flashes on...

For the past two hours Ji-hun explains to the man about the new drug that Yeosin and her team have come up with...

Ji-hun finishes his presentation and sits back down...

"That was good..." The man says with a Mexican accent "the presentation was very good but did you do some tests on them??"

"Of course we did and on humans as well..."Ji-hun says "and we can surely agree that this is the best you will get..."

"The drug is addictive, it's affects are over the moon anybody will come back for more..." He pauses "and when it comes to the health problems, the drug has 13% of causing heart, lung disease and also it is hard to detect in a human body, a test will just come out as simple alcohol..."

"Impressive..." The man says....

"And yes overdose could lead to a very painful and slowly death and the body will rote within twenty hours..."

"I will take it" the man says and Yeosin only lets out a small smirk...

"Do you have the goods here, or do I have to wait??"

"Don't worry sir, the goods are here.." Ji-hun looks at the men. " But now the question is how much are you willing to offer for this???"

The man let's out a chuckle "eight hundred million for the drug and five hundred million for only the drug to be sold to me..."

"No problem..." Finally Yeosin speaks leaning on her chair...

The man smirks and justers to another man, and understand the man walks out of the room and a few minutes late he comes back with two dafel bags in hand, he drops the bags on the table and opens them revealing the money inside...

Seeing the money Ji-hun takes out four brief cases and places them on the table he opens one and revealse the drugs inside...

The two parties exchange their goods, the man stands up to leave but gives Yeosin another glance...

"It was nice doing business with you Miss Hong..." He says...

"Me to..." Getting to her feet...

"You are really a copy of your mother, you are just like her..."

At the mention of her mother Yeosin's body tense up...

"She was the best in what she does, beautiful and bold is what she was..."

The man says before walking out of the room and Ji-hun follows after with the two bag of money, leaving Yeosin their, as her face showed total anger....

A few hours later Yeosin is busy practicing her shooting in her wearhouse, and she is not happy...

"You are really a copy of your mother..."

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