chapter fourteen

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It's a Saturday morning and everyone is having breakfast and nobody says a word to each other the whole time....

A few hours later

Yeosin walks up to stairs with a man in a white coat, and into Yoongi's room where everyone was present and worried...

"Doctor..." Yeosin speaks...

"Don't worry I think I have already found my patient..." The doctor says looking at Yoongi laying on the bed with him half closed eyes...

The doctor moves everyone out of his way and starts checking Yoongi's condition, but in the middle of the check up he starts calling 'Yi' which does not set well with the boys or their mother Haneul....

After checking Yoongi and the medication he was given he stands...

"Who prescribed this medication and how long has he been taking them???"

Before Yeosin could say anything Haneul speaks, cuting her off instantly...

"Well doctor mhm..... What is your name sir???"

"Dr Park Hoon..."

"Well doctor Park that medication was given by our family doctor and he has been taking it for two weeks..."

"Oh..." That all he says playing with the medication in his hands..

"What's up doc??" Yeosin asks...

"Well it's either the doctor that give him this a fake and knows nothing about medicine or he pously give this to your son, because this is not medication but a drug..."

"What drug..." Seokjin asks

"A drug first produced in North Korea..." Yeosin speaks..

"And how do you know that??" Namjoon asks with a slight not plaisent face...

"Because I'm not stupid like to question you just asked.." she spates "and the drug was used to get people under submittion, do what they are told with no questions asked..." She explains

"Yes" doctor Park continues "it was drank on and empty stomach for long observation and also for it to work properly..."

"And if it is not taken on an empty stomach, it might cause drowsiness, weakness in muscles,  uncontrolled emotions, distarbence with memory..." Yeosin adds...

"And if kept in use the body my fall into a coma, and slowly the body organs will stop working and soon death.." doctor Park finish...

Everybody's face held shocked and confused emotions as they look between doctor Park and Yeosin...

"How did you know that??" Ji Hong asks looking at his daughter...

"Dad, I'm more than just your daughter and a pretty face.."

"A future doctor I might say..." Doctor Park says with a light smile that Yeosin sends back...

"Not really in my future planning, but I might think about it.." she smiles...

"Can we get back to my son who has been poisoned.." Haneul voice startles everyone...

"Why do you say that as if it doesn't effect you that he was poisoned???" Yeosin asks with bland face....

"What do you mean about that??" Haneul asks crunching her fist...

"You just don't seem concerned about your sick son, ma'am..."

"And you think you are concerned for him" she asks with irritation in her voice "if it was of you my son would have never been in this condition..."

"Ya..., I do know how to swing very well..." Yeosin smirk which irritated Haneul very much....

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