chapter twenty eight

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It's mid day and everyone is busy doing what they do, Ji Hong is busy helping Taehyung and Jimin with their studying, while Yeosin was busy helping Jungkook and also Hoseok and along with the studying, and Seokjin and Namjoon were fighting over who is older and smarter between them and for Haneul she was out for argent work, again....

"Jimin what's wrong?" Ji Hong asks the boy who is busy rubbing his chest..

Jimin looks up at the man and lets out a smile fake smile.. "it's nothing.."


"Yes, sure.."

Ji Hong continues with his tutoring, but Jimin keeps, feeling his heart tighten in his chest, like something bad is about to happen, it has been a long time since he felt this restless and he hates it..

Why does he feel like this, is somebody he loves in trouble but all his family members are here and fine, than what the hell is this feeling?

Suddenly the volume on the TV is raised...


In the early mornings, the police reseaved a call from a man, reporting a died body..

But when they got there multiple died bodies start showing up, until a reaching a building on the outscords of Seoul, doing more investigation the police finds about about 43 more bodies including the other 11 making it 54 died bodies.

The police has not said anything farther.

And this marks about 68 deaths in three months in Seoul, and now the nation is worried about their safety and the well-being of their girl children, especially after the brutal killed of six school girls and a police officer who's body wash found rotting and hanging from the ceiling of the room..

Who is doing this killing and why are they doing it?

Or do we have a serial killer on the lose, well we will just have to wait and let the police find out..

The volume is send back to normal, by Seokjin who had increased it..

"68 deaths?" Taehyung lets out.. "that's a lot in just three months.."

Taehyung is cut off when the nurse who is looking after Ji-hun suddenly comes running downstairs and her face was not talking good news...

Everybody was now looking at her , everyone had their ears all open for her...

"Ma'am, something is wrong with Mr Kim, I think he is having a cardiac arrest..."

By now Yeosin's mind has become blank and all that was running through her mind, she can't let that fool die...

While Jimin feels his heart drop in his chest at the nurses words, why is he feeling like this?

With taking another thought Yeosin gets up and runs to Ji-hun's room and everybody else just follows excited poor Hoseok who just watched everyone disappears upstairs...

"Do this people know I can't walk, let alone run..."

That's all he says before getting back to his work, he needs to study because his step Father asked him to at least take the second place and he doesn't want to let him down...

By the time everyone gets to Ji-hun's room, Yeosin has already checked his vitals and his heart beat and there is no heart beat...

Immediately she starts applying the cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) , she keeps applying pressure to his chest and check if his heart beat again and again but nothing, and she was losing him at every second...

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