chapter thirty nine

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Jimin is driving into Seoul when multiple cars block his way right in the middle of the road..

Jimin's mind is not properly function at this point, he has an unconscious body in the car that he needs to get to the Hong Mansion, he is dehydrated and hungry, he has a bullet wound which has not been treated...

And right now everyone in his way is an enemy, it does not matter who it is, this boy has been through hell but he is not going to let the fire consum him not now nor ever..

Ji-hun and Jimin walk out of their cars with guns aimed at Yeosin and Jimin's car as they start moving closer to the car...




Multiple gun shots go off just at their feet...

"Move or I kill.." a voice from the car speaks and anyone could make out who it is...

"Bra....." Ji-hun pause as he recollects his words... "Jimin it's me Ji-hun, come out of the car.."

Jimin begins to shack his head trying to hard to focus, but soon Jimin steps out of the car with two fully loaded guns in both hands...

The moment Jimin steps out of the car it seems like everything had stopped moving, out of nowhere helicopter flew above Jimin shining it's horrible light on his figure...

Multiple news channel reports arrive in their vans, setting everything up before they start their broadcast, which everyone around the world was watching, it doesn't matter if it's midnight, midday, midwinter everyone is watching, the return of "the missing Hong's"..


Before Ji-hun could continue Jimin points his two guns at them..

"Jimin what are you doing?, Those are not toys put them down.."

Jimin says as he signals his men to put down their weapons, but Jimin does not seem to be in his right sense as he grips harder on the guns in his hands...

"Jimin put the fuckin guns down.." Ji-hun tries to speak again but is cut off when. "I know you are stupid but.."

"Can you be nice for once.." Jimin says giving Ji-hun and furstrated look..

"I have no energy for that, so.."


Ji-hun's words are cut when Jimin pulls the trigger and the bullet hits Ji-hun right on the shoulder making him fall to the ground with a thumb, before Jimin drags him away the safety..



Jimin shoots again but Jimin manages to get to safety just in time..

Both Ji-hun and Jimin's man raise their weapons, but Jimin comands them to put them down. Both Ji-hun and Jimin hid behind one of the cars, before worse happens...

"Okay, how does that boy know how to use a gun like that.." Ji-hun lets out as he presses the wound...

"Why are you asking me?" Jimin hiss at the young man beside him..

"Please.." Jimin sobbs.. "my sister has not woken up for the past three days, just let us go.." he pleads...

"People have already died, please just let me take her home, please.." he cries...

"His trumatized.." Jimin lets out.. "he will not let anyone near, and if we try we are died.."

"I don't fuckin care, but I'm sure going to kill that brat.??" He hiss pressing harder on his wound which seems to be losing blood fast..

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