chapter fourty

23 3 5

Three hours and doctor Park Hoon is still doing surgery the family is worried, and the media is just making it worse, they have barged into the house thanks to Jimin's driving skills, but at least the men manage to push them out of the house premises, but still has not left...

And Ji-hun and Jimin have finally gotten home, Ji-hun parks his car and Jimin helps him into the house..

"What happened to him?" Ji Hong asks as he notices Jimin carrying Ji-hun into the house and the blood on his clothes..

"What happened, I asked a question??" His second question seems to have gotten everyone's attention as they look back at the two males sitting down on the couch...

"Jimin.." Ji-hun lets out...

"Excuse me, what?" Seokjin interferes...

"Do you have hearing problems?" Jimin hiss at the boy.. "Jimin is the one that did this.."

"I don't know how that boy knows how to use a gun, but he does very well.." Ji-hun continues.

"Why will he do that?" Namjoon asks...

"Maybe because the boy was not in his right mind at the time.." Jimin explains..

But before anyone could add anything to what Jimin just said, doctor Park Hoon comes down the stairs and everyone drags their bodies to him before he could reach the bottom of the stairs...

"How are they?" Ji Hong first to ask...

"I can say they are absolutely fine, even though they have lost alittle to much blood especially Yeosin, but the should recover very soon..."

"Can I see my son?" She asks in a desperate tone..

"Not now ma'am, we are still stiching him up and he needs rest, you can see them tomorrow, let them rest today.." he explains..

"Okay doctor.." Ji Hong agrees.. "doc" he calls before doctor Park could head upstairs...


"Can you check Ji-hun" pointing at Ji-hun and Jimin behind him...

Park Hoon walks up to the two, who seems to have their eyes closed, maybe...

"What happened to him?" Doctor asks..

"A little incident.."

Doctor Park Hoon looks back at Ji Hong with a suspicious look on his face and Ji Hong just lets out a small smile...

"With bullets.." doctor Park questions..

"Yes, with bullets doctor.." Ji Hong answers..

"Okay, bring him fast" pointing at Ji-hun.. " he has lost to much blood, his blood pressure is falling and his unconscious.." he says..


Doctor Park walks away and Seokjin helps to Carry the unconscious Ji-hun upstairs..

Yoongi's room..

Seems Yoongi's condition has worsen seens Yeosin and Jimin went missing, his body has become pale and skinny and the life support system on him just makes Jungkook sitting next to him tear up...

"Yoongi" he calls.. "do you know today Yeosin and Jimin came back home." Jungkook lets out a small smile as he wappes his tears...

"The doctor said that they will be fine soon, they only had few bullets that the doctor remove.." he continues.. "and also the person that tried to harm them is now in the hospital and also he has been exposed to the whole world and the Chinese government is going to punish him...." He smiles..

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