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Not an update..

Hello just a little author's not...

I know I have added to much to the chapters but..

Nothing's fun without twists and turns so...

And do get confused:

Yusef and Yoongi are Micheal Jihae first children...

And Yusef is kind of scared of him..

I was not planning on making Yeosin's mother a villain, it just popped in...

And when it came to Jung Haneul I was planning on making her sweet but that's no fun...

There will be more drama coming up, so please buckle up..

Because Haneul and the Hong's are soon to go head to head..

But that will come after the break I'm talking, and I don't know when I'm going to update I hope soon...

And I will be doing same editing on my chapters, because they kinda seem alittle confusing, especially when it came to Yeosin and her affection towards the boys and also Ji-hun along with the looker likes...

And yes, all the boys have looker likes except Yoongi who has a twin brother okay..

And yes Yeosin has a baby brother but that is for you to fight over..🤗

So let me say tataaa...

I'm so excited..


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