chapter twenty three

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It's morning and another exam day, everyone had breakfast except Hoseok who has not come out of his room yet...

Everyone is down stairs waiting for him to came down, but seems like the boy is taking his time..

Finally Hoseok makes his way down, but he seems to be struggling with the walking, he grips on the stair railings to keep balance...

The others five boys notice and they quickly go to him...

"Hobi are you okay??" Jimin asks with a worrisome face...

"I'm fine, I just hit my knee very hard but I will manage..." He explains...

"Okay but let me help you..." Seokjin suggests

Seokjin places his arm around Hoseok's waist and Hoseok's arm goes around Seokjin's neck, they go downstairs and Yoongi and Hoseok's eyes meet, Yoongi just smirks at Hoseok and his condition while Hoseok quickly breaks the eye contact....

The children walk outside to their car, Seokjin lets go of Hoseok suddenly and Hoseok starts falling backwards, but thankfully Yeosin grabs the collar of his shirt and pulls him into a hugging position...

"Be careful.." she says...

Hoseok suddenly remembers what Yoongi words and pushes Yeosin away, but his strength seems no use as Yeosin does not even move...

Yeosin soon let's go of Hoseok, the six boys get into their car and Yeosin rides her motorcycle to school...

Two hours later..

It has been two hours seens the exam start, and finally Yeosin seems to be the only one done writing, which seems strange because Hoseok was suppose to be done writing as well...

For some sort of reason Yeosin starts looking for him around the building...

"If I find his ass, I will surely break his neck..."

Soon Yeosin's reach comes to a hult when she spots blood on the white floor, what is blood doing in her school, blood is only seen when she decided to kill someone...

She follows the blood trail to the boys bathroom, she stops at the entrance and looks at the sign above the door...

"Boys bathroom.." she says to herself, she stands there for a couple of minutes until she makes up her mind and turns around to leave, but her concourse to let her go and turns back around and look at the entrance...

"Come on Hong Yeosin, what if someone is dieing in there??" She says to herself "you can't have a died body in your school, it will ruin everything you worked for..."

Yeosin finally walks in, but what she sees get her panicking, Hoseok sitting at the end of the bathroom, his face covered by his messy hair. Yeosin takes a look at the bloody trail which direction leads to Hoseok...

She slowly walks up to him, his eyes were closed but you could see he was crying, she lowers her pasture to look at him probably...

"Hoseok" she calls

Hoseok immediately opens his red puffy eyes, he looks at Yeosin and he starts crying hard, catches Yeosin off guard alittle bit...

"Hoseok what's wrong??" She asks cupping his face...

"It hu...hur...hurts..." He crying...

"What hurts??" She asks with a little hint of concern "did anyone bully you??"


"Then what the fuck happened??" She asks griping below knee, making him hiss in pain...

Yeosin follows her hand and soon fall on his white bloody white shoes, blood was coming from them...

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