chapter twenty five

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It's Saturday morning, no school, no work for Haneul, everyone had their breakfast and now busy with their own thing...

Yeosin is busy doing work in the living room along with Ji-hun when Haneul comes over and pulls Yeosin up to her feet...

Yeosin seeming to be caught of guard she just looks at me woman infront of her without saying a word, while Ji-hun looks at the woman's bravery...

"Have you not had enough!!" She shouts... "What more are you going to do?!"

"What are you talking about?" Yeosin questions with confusion all over her face...

"Please" putting her palms together "just leave my sons along, just leave them, I'm begging you..."

Yeosin let's out a scoff at the older woman's words. "oh" is all she says...

"Do you want to kill my sons ha??" Stirring into Yeosin's emotionless eyes.. "you already turned the other mad, at least leave this ones..."

"And what problem do you have with me and my sons, what have we ever done to you in this life??" She questions with anger in her voice....

"Ever seen we walked into this house, you have been after me and my sons..."

"Sons sons sons, you and your sons!!!" Yeosin finally burst out "I'm so fuckin fed up with you and your sons song..."

"You keep blathering about your sons..." She says with rage.. "which sons are you talking about ha, which one's??"

"Oh" lowering her voice alittle "the sons that you only visit on the day of them being admitted in the hospital? Or is it the sons that you forgot at the hospital, tell me which sons are you talking about??"

Yeosin words shut Haneul up, and Ji-hun just smirks..

"This is because of Hoseok right" Yeosin questions "come on woman, your son got injured Thursday night and today is Saturday and you as a mother only found out today..."

"And you want to yell at me because of your sons, please" she chuckle "don't, not with me understand" pointing her finger at the woman...

"Now I will appreciate if you leave me to my work" pointing at the papers on the table... "I was in the middle of something important before you showed up with you bullshit.."

Haneul just continues glaring at Yeosin with her blood red eyes...

"Ji Hong will get to know about this.." she threatens...

Yeosin just looks at her with a smirk "he already knows, he fed him breakfast today" looking back at her papers "but how will you know that..."

Haneul stambs her one foot on the floor making a loud thumb making Ji-hun flinch, she looks back at Yeosin who seemed not to be bothered at all...

She glances at Ji-hun at the other side of the living room, just as their eyes meet everything seemed to go in slowly motion for Ji-hun, looking into her eyes something in him flips...

Those eyes seem so familiar, all of a sudden but he can't get his head around where he has seen them...

Ji-hun did not realize that he has been stireing at the woman until she disappeared behind the wall....

"Dude, why are you looking at her like that??." She asks what a disgusting face and tone

Yeosin's words snaps his out of his thoughts...

"Give me permission to put a bullet in her head.." he says.. "I'm kinda fed up with her now.."


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