Chapter 2

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"Find me love"

Once he said that I instantly got a rush of electricity through me. I slowly stood up and I tried to look around the dark room for the man I've adored for a long time. I looked like I could see a lamp and started walking towards it.

" Uh lights or you lose" I heard his voice say in a light manner.


I strained my eyes to see and started walking around the room. Then I got a good idea. If I start talking to him I can use the sound of his voice and follow it to find him.

" Do you kidnap girls often" I asked him getting alittle confident although inside I had a racing mind.

I mean it's not everyday a Rockstar looks you in the eyes, calls you backstage, and then is playing a game of hide and seek in his dressing room.

"No I didn't kidnap you I asked you to come backstage" he said.

I heard him in the right corner across the room that seemed never ending.

" But why me out of everyone in the crowd" I asked now genuinely wandering now.

"Because your seemed different than all of those other girls all of those girls wanted to get in my pants because of who I didn't seem that way while everyone cheered you gasped and I never get that" I was taken back in some way after he said that.

He was definitely one of I guess mystery although when you see him he's very innocent looking. Of course not everything innocent doesn't have secrets.

"Well you seem to read me like a book don't you" I asked with a smirk.

" Well yes its easy to of course I'm not saying your easy"

I rolled my eyes at his comment amd continued looking.

"Can I give up because at this rate I'll never find you" I said tired of trying find a grown man in the dark.

" Under one condition" He said making me slightly shutter at what that might be.


"I can do whatever I want" He said but made me confused.

" Of course you can do whatever you want your a Rockstar" I told him not getting what he meant.

" No love I can do whatever I want to you"

I instantly got what he said and instantly blushed at it. I was a virgin so the slight thought kinda in some way made me worry.

"Well how am I supposed to agree with that when I barely know you"

" Do you want to know me" he asked

This man is something....

" Depends are you gonna ditch me like any other rockstar would after a one night stand and leave me here to believe that I was stupid to believe you would actually like me like that because if so then no I don't like my feelings being played like that I'm not that kinda girl" I told him honestly.

"No...I wouldn't.."he said seeming surprised at what I had said.

" Well then yes I want to get to know you " I trusted his word although it was a little suspicious.

" Well my name is Roger Meadows Taylor, I have blonde hair and blue eyes, I'm from England Turo, Cornwall to be exact, I am a drummer for Queen as you know, I absolutely love cars of any kind, I have a Ex-wife and one kid, and I love a good drink now your turn"

"Well my name is Michelle Holland and I live in this beautiful place called California, I have brown hair and blue eyes with freckles, I really have no musical abilities besides a few songs on piano and the little songs I write, I love cars as well but also painting, I am not dating anyone nor do I have a kid, and I've never drank in my whole life" I told him honestly.

" Interesting say how old are you" he asked me.

I knew if I told him honestly he'd probably make me get out as he is a, may I say, a hot 32 year old. To me age is only a number but they law says a different story.

"Well I'm not gonna lie to you..."

Hello everyone,
I just wanted to say thank you for the feedback I have already received it's a honor. Also I would like to say that this book is a very fast paced book. For people who like books like this then it'll be great. If your a person who likes a book who sorta drags then I would stop reading and find that kind of book. I just wanted to say again thank you again and this is for a mature audience. Anyways Peace and Love-HL

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