Chapter 34

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I had everything planned out for the week. I made sure all of my reservations were intact and that I had everything pre payed. I made my way back into our bedroom and Michy laid there with only the sheet wrapped around her. I slowly got in bed and laid my head on her chest.

" Michy darling it's time to get up we have a big day planned ahead" I whispered brushing the hair out of her face.

She yawned and slowly her eyes fluttered open. She smiled at me and ran her hands through my hair.

" Goodmorning Babe" she said sleepily.

"Ready for today" I asked her and she just nodded.

" Alright now come on" I said tickling her making her laugh.

"Alright, Alright I'm going" she laughed.

After we got up and Michy got dressed we made our way downstairs. I had went to the shop on the corner and rented a bright red Vespa. I figured it would be something for us both to drive that would be fun. We walked outside and there it was.

"Here's what will be driving" I told her making her eyes lit up.

" Woah I love these" she said checking out.

I laughed at her enthusiasm and got on it.

" Come on hope on we have a place to be at" I told her.

She playfully Rolled her eyes and got on the back. I turned it on and revved ot alittle.I pulled off and Michy securely wrapped her arms around me. I picked up speed amd weaved around cars. I eventually made it on the country roads and to the little village. I parked the Vespa and we both got off.

" What are we doing here" she asked me.

" Going on a little walk come on" I laced my hands with hers and we were off.

We walked up the twisting dirt path and I could see on top of the hill the vineyard.

" Is that a vineyard" she asked getting excited.

"Yes it is" I told her smiling at her cuteness.

As we reached it she did something very unexpected.

" Your it" she said tagging me then running.

"Oh you little minx " I yelled after her.

She ran weaving through the vines. I couldn't believe some one could be that fast. She then disappeared. She must be hiding.

" Michy come out, come out where ever you are" I said looking through the vines.

"I'm right here " she whispered I n my ear. I turned aired and she was gone.

"How" I whispered.

I started walking and then was tackled to the ground. I looked into her ocean blue eyes.

"Wasn't I supposed to get you" I questioned now amused.

" Eh oh well" she said then gave me a Kiss.

We both had gotten up amd continued on our walk. We eventually ended up finding one of the hidden waterfalls.


" Look Roger" I said tugging him to the edge of the water.

I knew it was cold since it's November but the waterfall water was so warm.

" You wanna get in" I asked him making him look at me like I was crazy.

" What no its cold will get sick" he told me but I didn't listen.

I immediately jumped in and swam to the surface. Roger looked at me with wide eyes.

" MICHY WHAT ARE YOU DOING" he exclaimed "here take my hand your getting out" he said extending his hand.

" Fine " I grabbed his hand and looked into his eyes with a devilish smile.

" Don't you do it" he warned but he was to late I pulled him in.

He swam to the top and looked at me.

" Your gonna get it " he said as he chattered.

I swam under and away.

" Nope" I said showing up behind him.

He turned around and grabbed me pulling me near him.

" You'll just get it once we get back" he said seductively.

Later that day

We were sipping tea at the garden of Hopeless romantics. The tea was infused with Hibiscus and cinnamon. It was quite delicious. I cuddled against Roger and sipped on my tea.

" Although you pull your little schemes I still love you and you make my life an adventure " he told me

" I know" I replied with what Roger calls a cheeky smile.

He liked at me and Rolled his eyes.

" Only you Michy, Only you"

Hello Everyone,

Sorry this chapter was just horrible. I promise the next sill be better. Also I'm trying to update more but I didn't feel well today. Anyways Peace and Love-HL.

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