Chapter 17

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I caught her right before she fell. From that everyone was rushing around truing to help her.

" CALL THE AMBULANCE" I yelled setting her down on the ground.

I checked her breathing and heart and they were both quite faint.

" Oh god oh god" I could feel my blood pressure rising by the second.

Then I saw black.


"God dammit Roger" he passed out as well.

We eventually got him awake and the Ambulance finally showed up tending to her. They got her on a gurney and pulled her outside to the ambulance. Roger got in with her and Freddie, Deaky, our wives, and me followed them.

Phoebe,Mary,Joseph, and Jim said they would watch the kids while we were gone.


I sat in the waiting room waiting for her, waiting for an answer, waiting to stop worrying and to be holding her in my arms.

" Mr.Taylor"I looked up and there was a doctor, Nurse, and my Michelle.

"Oh Michelle" I said

I went over wrapping my arms around her. I kissed her cheek and held her as tight as I could without hurting her and the baby.

"Mr.Taylor we need to speak to you separately " the doctor said

"Um okay"

I gave her a kiss then followed the doctor. He pointed inside a rolling m to which I went in to. Once I entered I noticed two cops and a man in a suit.

" Why are they here" I asked as I sat down in a chair.

The doctor then shut the door leaving me with the cops.

" Are you Roger Taylor" The man with the suit asked having an American accent.

" Yes sir but what is this about"

"Do you know Michelle Holland" he asked me

" Y-yes s-sir she's my fiancé" I told him

" Well Mr.taylor" He slammed a news paper down and continued "she's under age and is it my understanding she's pregnant" he asked me

I nodded and picked up the paper. 16 year old Missing and with Rock stars.

" Well Mr.taylor being you are older than her that is considered Rape and you could be thrown in jail"

I looked up at him and I never thought so much about that.

"She is to be sent back to America immediately and you Mr.Taylor have to be arrested under kidnapping and Rape charges" He told me

" what no you can't I love her she's my fiancé I love her she's the love of my life please can. .can...I call her parents and talk to them please" I pleaded

He stared at me as I stared straight into his eyes.

"Alright I'm not supposed to do this but since I'm a family man myself I'll let you"

He grabbed the phone off the table and dialed a number. He spoke for a few seconds then handed me the phone.

" Hello" I said

" WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY DAUGHTER" yelled a woman's voice

"Hi you must be Mrs.Holland" I siad

"Give me my daughter" She said firmly making me feel scared.

" Mrs.Holland please hear me out" I pleaded

There was nothing but the line was still on.

" Okay Mrs.Holland I didn't kidnap your daughter she wanted to come with me and I love her ma'am she's beautiful, smart,kind, intelligent, and just a great person and I've asked her to marry me and she said yes were very much in love and I'm so glad I have her and were expecting and she's 6 months along and I'm not gonna leave her. We both want this kid and I'm gonna protect them both I promise I will just please Mrs.Holland Please don't take her away from me I'll do anything but just don't take her I love her"

Nothing for a few seconds

"Fine under one condition"

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