Chapter 25

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Authors note:Extra long chapter (1457 words)

Wedding Day

I had arrived at where we would be married at. Roger and I both decided not to be traditional with our wedding and to make it extravagant. Well he wanted it to be extravagant and so did Freddie. We had scheduled it to be at Horsley Park. It was a massive castle that we had planned to be married outside then go in side for the after party.

Freddie had begged and pleaded for him to invite and send invitations so I let him. Actually he did most of the wedding I just went over everything. He was a big help though don't get me wrong.

I was right in the part he would invite everyone under the sun. As we had arrived it was like three mile long line of cars. People were getting out of their cars to walk to the venue.

" Hold on everyone" Terry said then pressed peddle going around everyone.

" HOLY FUCK" I screamed as we were probably going 100 miles per hour.

Once we got to the front there was a sea of chairs and people. There was a little place of flowers and shrubbery for the car to be parked and the a little walk way to the aisle. I stepped out and Freddie was standing there waiting for me.

Since my father wasn't here Freddie volunteered to let me go. We didn't see eye to eye at first but we had become great friends. The girls were also my brides maids.I was lucky to have all of them in my life it was truly a honor.

" Come on your gonna be late" Freddie exclaimed being his overly dramatic self.

" Calm down Freddie jesus" I exclaimed being just as dramatic.

The girls lined up and it began. They all walked down and the music began playing for me. I was expecting here comes the bride like the usaul song every bride walks down but got something very different. It was 'Love of my'. I looked at Freddie who I had locked arms with. He had a grin on his face.

" What I didn't do this" he said with a innocent voice making me roll my eyes.

We began walking down the aisle. People were standing up and it seemed like everyone went on for miles. I was smiling and so was Freddie. I looked to the very end of the aisle and saw my Roger. He saw my too and smiled at me. I smiled back in return.

Everything was perfect just everything. My dress probably took the cake. It was all white with jewel encrusted top and a very long train. It was very beautiful and comfortable. It was a gorgeous day with some clouds in the distance.

" How many people did you invite" I asked Freddie with still a smile on my face.

" Everyone I knew darling go big or go home"

As we reached the end of the aisle we were met by the minister, Brides maids, flower girls, Bearers, ring bearer, and my Roger.

"Who gives Michelle Renee Holland away" the minister asked.

"I do" Freddie said giving me a kiss on the cheek and then heading to his seat.

Roger walked over taking my hand and walking me infront if the minister. We faced each other looking into each others eyes.

We waited a second and then he continued" today we are gathered here today to celebrate the joining of two people. We're here to celebrate family, friends, compassion, commitment, and love. love is the reason we're here right? I mean this is a big moment in there lives today in this moment just like all the moments leading up to this one. Like the moment they met, the moment they began dating, the moment they were engaged, and every other ones. There were also the small moments like cooking dinner, falling asleep on the couch in each others arms, and so on. All of these moments leading them here. They've created a story as of the rest of us. There love story as I was reading it from a friend who planned this wedding wrote it down is very unique and no en I've encountered. They met at a concert in California they both fell in love it was a literal love at first site all Roger talked about was the girl he saw in the crowd he finally met her bringing her backstage two weeks later we went home and Roger amd Michelle started there life instantly they found they were expecting and at Christmas time they were engaged, they had a kid and in a year and a half is all it took they're here today to be married" memories flooded back as he mentioned of these things.

"As they both agreed they would write their own vows Mr.Taylor do you have yours"

Roger nodded "I'm quite bad with words so I go figured a little song would be better"

A man ran over giving him a electric acoustic guitar.

" Here's to you Michy" he began playing and I instantly recognized it.

It was Thank you by Led Zeppelin.

" If the sun refused to shine
I would still be loving you
When mountains crumble to the sea
There'll still be you and me
Kind woman, I give you my all
Kind woman, nothing more
Little drops of rain, whisper of the pain
Tears of loves lost in the days gone by
My love is strong with you there is no wrong
Together we shall go until we die
Inspiration is what you are to me
Inspiration, look to see"

He began a little solo and then continued.

" And so today, my world it smiles
Your hand in mine we walk the aisle
Thanks to you it will be done
For you to me are the only one
Happiness, no longer sad
Happiness, I'm glad
If the sun refused to shine
I would still be loving you
When mountains crumble to the sea
There'll still be you and me, and me"

He finished and I was in tears. It was beautiful. He changed the lyric miles to aisle which made me smile even more.

" Thank you Roger now you Ms.Holland"

"Wow okay mine aren't gonna be as beautiful but it's a shot" I was given my paper I had written out.

" Roger you are the love of my life since the day I met you my life has changed so much but I love it. I love waking up and you being beside me I mean Your blonde hair disheveled, sleepy eyes, and your cute yawns could make any girls heart pundits and I'm glad it's mine. You make me feel something I've never felt before and that's love not unconditional love but chosen love. You and Hazel have made so happy in a only a year and a half than my family did in 16 years I'm thankful Roger and I'm so happy that I get to spend the rest of my life with you"

I looked at Roger and he actually had tears in his eyes. That was beautiful he mouthed to me.

We exchanged rings and we went to the last part of the ceremony

"Now will you Roger Meadows Taylor take Michelle Renee Holland as your lawfully wedded wife to bring out the happiest times of your lives and greatest"

"I do" Roger said staring in my eyes.

" Do you Michelle Renee Holland take Roger Meadows Taylor as your lawfully wedded husband to bring out the happiest times of your life and greatest"

"I do"

"As there is no objections and I commit this marriage I now pronounce you Husband and Wife"

I immediately wrapped my arms around Rogers kneck and he wrapped his around my waist. He kissed me giving me a passionate kiss. People cheered and whistled but I heard no one. Electricity ran through my veins and we parted.

Roger put our hands that we laced together in the air amd we then ran down the aisle to the car. We got in to be taken to the main building. Once we got in I looked at Roger and he looked at me.

"I'm hopelessly yours Michy"

"I'm hopelessly yours Roger"

Authors note:
I know long chapter. I hope you enjoyed this one as I did. I'll have more chapters up tommarro which I'm excited for. Also I would like to say that I will not have a sequel but just a really long book. Also I would love some feed back on this chapter to see how I did because I'm not sure it turned out as well as I though it would. Anyways Peace and Love-HL

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