Chapter 26

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  I sat down at the table with John since my feet were tired from dancing all night. I had changed into a dark blue dress and kept my white flats on so I would be comfortable while dancing. I watched as Roger held Hazel in his arms as he walked around showing her off like she was a trophy.

" You know he adored you both so much right" John asked me

" Yeah I think I have an idea" I told him smiling.

" No you probably don't when we left on tour that's all he could talk about and he would go to his room and cry because he wasn't with you and Hazel he about went mad" he told me.

  I was slightly taken back at the information he had given me.

" Wow I didn't know that" I told John

"Yeah sorry I didn't mean to well I don't know" he said becoming his shy self again.

" It's fine John you didn't do anything wrong" I took him

   We continued to talk and such until Veronica swept him away. I watched as a slow song came on and Roger held Hazel like they were dancing. In some way they were. Hazel had a big smile on her face and so did Roger. I watched with tears of happiness as this all happened. It was perfect. My life was perfect.

2 days later

  We walked off the plane and Roger had our bags as I carried Hazels car seat with her in it. We had gotten in a limo and I was so nervous I could barely handle myself.

" Michy it'll be fine" Roger reassured me putting his hand on my knee.

" But what if it's not I mean I left all of a sudden and I'm coming back a year and a half later married and with a baby I mean I'm happy with my life and I love you both but it's my family there so judgmental it's just ugh I better stop before I have a panic attack" I told him

  I rested my head in his shoulder and looked over at Hazel who was fast asleep in her car seat wearing a lavender purple frilly dress, Baby ray bans Roger had bought her, and little white sandals. Her hair wasn't very long but it was quite curly and blonde even if it was just on the top of her head.

  As we pulled into the long drive way to the mansion I once called my home I was starting to freak out.

" It'll be okay" Roger said

   We got out if the car and I grabbed Hazel who was still passed out in her car seat. I helped Roger grab our bags and we said goodbye to the limo driver. We walked up the steps to the mansion and Roger rung the doorbell. We heard a bit of shuffling but then the door opened.

  There stood my mother. Her jet black hair that was straight has could be, pale skin, green eyes, and tall ish stature. It was safe to say I took after my father alot more than mother. She smiled her fake smile.

" Oh Michelle my baby girl" she said throwing her arms around me shocking me.

" oh...mother" I said trying to reciprocate the same reaction but came out very fake.

   She pulled away and looked at Roger. Her smile faded alittle but it got got a little more fake.

" You must be Roger oh and this just be the baby" She said leaning down and looking at her.

" Oh my she looks just like you Michy" oh brother.

  I wanted to hit her so bad at that moment. She looked more like Roger than anything she only got my curly hair and skin tone.

" Well please come in" She told us walking inside.

   I looked at Roger and gave him a 'I'm sorry you have to deal with this woman' look.

  "Don't worry baby" he told me quoting the beach boys one of my favorite bands.

Oh but I worried anyhow.

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