Chapter 29

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We had finished changing into our bathing suits and had met Mika downstairs. All the siblings were really nice to me so far and so was the dad. The mother didn't seem to keen on me however.

As we walked down the stairs and through the house with Hazel in my arms we met Mika and the rest of the family outside.

"Shelly hurry up and get in" Mika yelled then continuing the chicken fight with the twins while sitting in Michaels shoulders.

" I'll be there in a minute" Michy yelled back before the twins went under.

We walked over to the table where Mckenzie, Federico, and Mrs.Holland sat.

" Hello my little Mouse and Rog come to join us" Federico asked us.

"Yes we have hopefully Hazel will like the water" Michy said tickling the bottom of Hazels foot making her laugh.

" That's always good if she's anything like you shelly she'll be a natural" Her father complimented her.

" Thanks Papa" she gushed then looked at me

"Are you gonna get in or are you gonna stay here" she asked me.

" You go ahead I'll let you have some time with your siblings and I'll watch Hazel" I told her

" Are you sure" she questioned

" Of course my girl go have fun" I told her giving her a quick kiss.

" Okay babe but you better get in" She said before running and diving into the water.

I turned to the family and sat down. I sat Hazel on my lap and she held onto my fingers. It wa slightly awkward so I focused my attention towards the baby. Then Federico cleared his voice making me look up.

" So Roger what's do you do for living" he doesn't know

"I'm a drummer for The band Queen" I told him positioning Hazel closer to me as he nodded.

"So how did you meet my daughter" he asked leaning forward some making me slightly uncomfortable.

" Well...I saw her in the crowd and I thought she beautiful so I got a security guard to ask her backstage and she did and we got to know each other and I found her to be a very lovely person"

There was a little more than that but they didn't need to know all the details. He nodded and I noticed McKenzie staring at me making me uncomfortable even more.

"So Roger how big is your house "Mrs.Holland asked me.

I was slightly appalled at her question. Who asks such a thing?

"I'm not sure how big the house is in general but it's on 70 acres of land " I told her.

She scoffed and then say farther back in my seat. What is it with this woman?

"Well I'm gonna go before Michy starts calling me over" I told them then standing up and walking to the pool.

Michy splashed Michael and Michael did the same back. I laughed at them and sat down swing my legs I the pool.

"Ah Roger come to join us" Michael asked

" Yes I have " I told with a smile.

" Well get in" Michy said laughing some.

I smiled at her and Admired her Beauty. She was just a gorgeous girl I couldn't help but to smile at her.

" Oh alright"

I slowly got in made sure Hazel didn't get too wet .

" Here let me hold her"

I put her in Michy's arms and watch my two beautiful girls swim around. I was so glad to have Michy in my life words just couldn't express it. Her mother, However, was a whole other story. Tommarro really proved that.

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