Chapter 22

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     " wake up quick"

My eyes shot open and I sat up quickly thinking something was wrong with Hazel. My eyes caught attention of something different. Roger was standing near the hallway to the kitchen but Hazel was crawling towards him.

  Roger looked up at me and we both had a huge smile plastered on our faces. She had completely made it to Roger so he picked her up and carried over to me.

  " When did she start crawling" I asked him taking  her into my hands.

" Well I was playing with her on the floor playing just a few minutes before I was gonna get you up and we could all have breakfast together" he told me

   " Well that's great" I said lifting her in the air sounding like a rocket ship making her laugh.

   I slowly put her back on my lap and then lifted her back in the air creating the same noise. She giggled even more.

   "I say we go eat breakfast and then if you want since I'm sure your tired Rog you can go sleep or what have you and I'll finish with the last little bit of planning for our wedding"

   "I can help if you want"

  I could tell he was exhausted and probably needed the sleep. His eyes were dark underneath and he just seemed tired.

  "No its fine Roger you've been on tour for a while you need the sleep" I gave him a look and he nodded in surrender.

  " Alright I'll go sleep after I get some breakfast because it's been awhile since I've have food with substance"

  While I fixed breakfast Roger fed Hazel. He gave her some baby food which tasted like Apples and Bananas. She really seemed to love it. I finished up the eggs and bacon then making a plate for Roger and I. I walked over handing Roger his plate and siting down beside him.

  We ate our breakfast and Roger gave me a kiss then went up stairs to sleep some more.I played with Hazel a bit more untill the doorbell went off. I scooped Hazel up quickly and ran to the door. I opened it up and was Veronica with the dress.

  " Hey I have the dress do you want to keep it here " she asked holding the dress bag in both of her arms.

  " Yeah Here come in Rogers asleep so I can find a spot to hid it" I told her

   We walked towards the stairs and Hazel fell asleep in my arms.

  " Could you excuse me for a moment I need to put her on her crib" I told her as we topped the stairs

  "Yes of course" Veronica said

  I quickly put her down making sure she was alright and returned to Veronica.

   "Where do you think would be a good place" I asked her

   She thought for a second

  "Spare bedroom" she suggested

  Once we found a good enough place to hid it in the closet Veronica left. As I made the final call to make sure everything was set from two weeks from now. I cleaned up the house and put a roast in a crock pit to cook for the rest of the day.

   I sat down on the couch and listened to the silence for a moment. It felt good to say the least. I loved hearing the baby laughing heck even crying and Roger talking my ear off most days it was good to get some silence every once in a while.

   After about 15 minutes I went to go check on Hazel. She laid in her crib snoozing. She was beautiful  she looked alot like Roger which I found adorable. Her hair was much like mine besides the fact it was blonde. Her hair was in curls. They weren't tight ringlets but they weren't beach waves they were right in the middle.

  I looked down at my engagement ring and smiled. I smiled for the fact that I would be Rogers forever and no one could take me away.

Hello Everyone,

   Sorry for not updating alot I had stayed with a friend for the past two days. I'm back though so I can update more. Also I'm coming out with another Queen book today so if you interested in that give it a look. Anyways Peace and Love-HL

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