Chapter 40

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Hello Everyone,

The moment you've all been waiting for (at least I hope). The baby's gender will be revealed. I hope you enjoy this chapter and it's finally in the normal POV. Anyways Peace and Love-HL

The baby was crying and I immediately got up. I rushed to his room. I opened the door and there laid Roger and I's precious little boy.

" Oh baby boy calm down mommy's here" I cooed picking him up.

We had decided to have a long unique name just like Hazel. His name is Hendrix Tiger Ace Taylor. Everyone loved the name especially Freddie. Freddie actually gave me the idea ,unintentionally, of the name. We were talking on set of the great pretender and we were talking about our favorite artists.

Freddie talked about his love for Jimi Hendrix when he was younger. The more I thought about it the more I loved the name. In the end that's what we decided.

I fed Hendrix and rubbed his back. Slowly he fell asleep and I gently laid him back in his crib. I looked around the John Lennon inspired room soaking in every detail. I then crept out of the room and to look at Hazels. Currently she was staying with Freddie but I love to go in there just to look at the room. I also enjoy the memories it creates.

The whole room still Beatles inspired. She absolutely loved the Beatles and could sing just about any song. I loved it when we clean the kitchen and she starts starts singing a song. It really warms my heart.

I gently walked down the corridor and back to Roger and I's room. He laid there sleeping like a baby himself. I smiled and then gently got under the covers. I cuddled up close to Roger but still making sure not to disturb him.

" I love you" I whispered so lightly I'm sure Roger could barely hear.

I slowly drifted off to sleep but with only one thing in mind. Life

Hello Everyone,

Please, please don't kill me. I'm sorry for not updating as much as I should and this short lame chapter. I promise I'll update more. Remember I love all you beautiful people. Anyways Peace and Love-HL

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