Chapter 23

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Night before the Wedding


It was the night before the wedding and the boys and I were at a bar. They decided to take out to have a party and then head to Brians afterwards. The girls ended getting my house so they would get ready there then going to where we would be married at.

"Roger come on drink up buddy" Brian said before handing me another drink.

" Come on guys I can't drunk I'm a father and I'm going to be a husband tommarro " I told the table but focusing my comment to Brian.

"Of course you can" Freddie exclaimed

I shook my head and sipped on my bourbon.

" Come on guys let's just head back to Brians and drink a little more and play some music I don't want to party to much just have a good time quietly"
After much oblige we finally went back to Brians. Brian had a whole studio in the basement of his house and may I say once I touched the drumsticks it felt so good. Drummers hands I suppose.

" Wanna do a throw back boys why not alittle Killer Queen" Freddie suggested

We all nodded and I counted off.



We sat around in the living room all drinking Margaritas.

" Don't you have any hard stuff" Mary asked

"Yeah its in Rogers bar at the pool"

"Why don't we go swimming" Veronica exclaimed.

We all agreed and I lent then all a bathing suit. We went down to the indoor pool and I immediately dove in. They all rushed to the bar and all I wanted was to swim. I was on the swim team back in California so I was pretty good swimmer.

As I reached the top of the water Mary, Chrissie, and Veronica had there feet in the water and big glasses of drink in there hand.

" Here we made you a drink" Chrissie said with a warm smile handing me a glass of what looked like Jack.

I gladly accepted since Hazel was with Joe and Phoebe tonight. I shot it back and put the glass down returning to the water. They all got in and we all swam around.

"Hey guys we should mess with the guys they should be at Brians by now" Chrissie suggested

"I don't know..." I said trailing off

" Come on it'll be fun will get in the house using my keys, will move the furniture over a few inches not enough to notice, take the liquor and some other crucial things like toilet paper, egg the house, and toilet paper it" Chrissie said

" Oh my gosh yes" Veronica said grinning like a fool at the idea

"Oh alright" I told them getting a cheer.

We all dried off and got our other clothes on. Luckily for Mary she was able to persuade Freddie into using Terry for the night. Once we got him awake since he was in one of the guest bedrooms taking a nap we were off. We told Terry about our plan and he laughed.

" That's a great idea I had called Brians a hour ago and Freddie said they were in the basement playing music and such so you won't have to be that quiet" he told us

"Great" I exclaimed

Once we arrived we all got out even Terry. We had convinced him to help us with getting everything. We carefully walked inside and we all spread out to get everything. Terry and Veronica moved furniture, Mary and I grabbed liquor and eggs, and Chrissie grabbed all the toilet paper.

All of a sudden we heard a small crash. The music from downstairs stopped.

" What was that " Freddie said in a hushed voice.

" Probably the cat don't worry about it " Brian said

"Are you sure: Roger asked

"Yes now let's get on with it " Brian told them.

The music started again. We all silently laughed at them and made our way outside locking the door behind us. We threw the eggs and toilet paper then left. Oh what a night this has been so far.

Hello Everyone,

I might have another chapter up tonight I'm not sure. I hope you liked this chapter though and please tel me what you think I won't Bite;). Anyways Peace and Love-HL

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