Chapter 35

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December 25,1982

Today was Hazels first Christmas and let me tell you I've never seen so many presents. That's saying something since I grew up in a house of eight. Hazel is definitely a spoiled shield but I don't mind she's my baby girl.

Our honeymoon went very well. We went and Tango by the seine, blues in a wine cellar, we went to Jim Morrisons grave upon my request, and put a pad lock on the key lock bridge. It was very romantic and alot of fun.

March 3rd,1983

Today was Hazels first birthday and let me tell you I'm Never trusting Freddie with planning again. He always suggest him to help plan it. Well it goes from him helping to plan to him and Phoebe taking over. Hazel went from having a simple birthday party to a full out birthday bash.

Roger blamed me but I blamed Freddie. Freddie said that he didn't even go all out...oh brother. I'll just have to keep that in mind to never let him help. Well...unless it's my birthday...We can make an exception.

Hello Everyone,

Sorry for the short chapter. I'm transitioning this to ahead in time. Sorry for the wait I'll try to have a chapter up soon.

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