Chapter 4

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I picked it up and dialed family's number.

It rang a few times then someone picked up the phone.

" Hello Holland residents " my mother's voice rang through with a slight worry.

"Hey mom" I said nervous at what would happen

"Michelle where are you? You never came home last night are you okay do you need Michael to come pick you up" she asked throwing questions at me.

" I'm fine mom and I'm in a hotel room at the moment"


I listened to there conversation and Admired her Beauty. She was skinny but had curves, beautiful, kind, smart, and we'll everything. I had only laid eyes on her last night but I just knew she was different. I didn't care about her age all I knew was I wanted her.

" Ugh" she exclaimed putting the phone down.

" What is it" I asked getting off the couch and walking over to her and wrapping my arms securely her waist.

" My mother she ugh she wants me to come home today and if I don't she's gonna file a missing persons report" she said hugging me and snuggling into my chest "I don't want to go Roger" she said

" Then don't" I said simply

"It's not that easy Roger" she told me looking into my eyes.

Her face was full of fear, stress, and sadness maybe even some confusion.

" It can be Michelle Mabelle you just have know it is and believe it trust my love it'll be fine we go back to England in two weeks and then will be set free well that is if you want to go to England with me" I said very scared and uncertain of her answer.

I looked down at her and she had a smile a mile wide.

" Really you want me to go to England with you" She asked me

" Of course your beautiful and perfect in every way and I would love for you to come with me heck you've made me the happiest I've been in less than a day than my marriage that lasted 4 years" I told her making her smile.

" Then yes I'll go to England with you"

A few hours later


We had left to the next town and right now I was at rehearsal with then guys. John was really nice and so was Brian. Freddie was a little sassy towards me but Was sassy back. Roger said that apparently no one talked to Freddie like that but Freddie needed to be put in his place.

I sat on the stage and listened to them preform and Freddie complain about it not good enough then then restart. Eventually I decided to explore some and walk around. I hopped off the stage and walked behind the curtain. I walked around and noticed how everyone was rushing. I walked back to his dressing room and laid down on the couch but even two sides later the phone rang.should I answer it? I picked it up anyhow.

"Roger oh my I miss you so much so does Felix oh god I was so stupid to divorce you can I fly out to see you" this woman must have been his ex-wife

"Hello this is Rogers Girlfriend who are you " I asked her

" Oh...." she then hung up.

I sat down and then started worrying. What happens if he finds out that she wants to go back to him and dumps me? God I've only known this guy personally for Less than a day. I sat there consumed in my thoughts and I realized I would have to tell him about the call.

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