Chapter 21

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Thurseday November 4th,1982

6 months. 6 months without my Roger. It was the worst 6 months of my life I'm telling you. Hazel was here and I was watching her grow. Without Roger it was quite horrible. I took pictures upon pictures just so I could show him when he came home. He of course phoned me everyday which was nice.

Our official one year anniversary struck on May 18th. It's funny to think how much can happen in a year. It was truly amazing to think. I mean I met Roger, got pregnant, purposed to, and had a kid. Now we were planning on a wedding. We would finally be married. We weren't going on a honey moon however instead we were going to California. Sadly we would be staying with my family for a week.

I didn't know what they would think of me. I up and left one night at a concert with Rock stars. Oh yeah no hard feelings. You know I just leave and come back just about a year and a half later with a husband and child. Nothing unusual. It's not that I was bothered by that I mean I absolutely love Roger and Hazel it's my family this the problem.

I had 2 weeks then I would be married and then we would leave. I had two weeks to prepare myself for that week.

I had driven to the airport and waited for Roger. Since I was the wife of a Queen member I got to drive out by the other cars so Roger didn't have to go through the airport. I was so excited to see him being one 6 months to long, I missed his 33th birthday, and his daughter has missed him. I could tell she missed him since she would cry alot more than usaul.

I got out of the car and waited with Veronica. We both planned on showing up to wait for them. I held Hazel in my arms closely has the plane landed. We waited a few minutes and the plane opened and they walked down the steps. I saw Roger and just about cried tears of happiness.

" ROGER" I cried out running towards him holding Hazel tightly making sure not to drop Hazel.

He dropped his bag and held me closely kissing me on the lips then kissing Hazel on the cheek. I actually had tears streaming down my face.

" My Michelle darling what is it" he asked me giving his adorable look of concern.

" Nothing I'm just so glad to see you " I told him wiping my tears with my free hand.

" Aww my girl here let me hold this little booger I haven't seen in forever" he said then leaving quick little kisses on Hazels cute chubby face.

He picked her up and twirled around making her laugh. He then held her in one arm squeezing her. I smiled at them and how cute they were. I picked up Rogers bag that felt really heavy and grabbed his free hand.

" Let's get home babe"

The way home was something I had to record without a doubt. I manged to record Roger with Hazel. He held her in his lap either tickling her, cuddling her, or making funny face's at her getting her to laugh. Once we got home I put Hazel down for a nap leaving Roger and I to have some time just the two of us.

I cuddled up beside Roger on the couch enjoying being able to be beside him.

" I missed you so much" I told Roger looking at him.

" I missed you too more than you'll ever know Michy it was so hard without you there oh god I missed Hazel as well but I have great news" he said as I laid my head on his lap looking up admiring him.

" What is it"

"Well from now till August I have time off and in august I all were doing is recording so I have a whole year off in '83 then '84 were going back on the road" he explained to me

" That's great" I told him

" Yes now I can stay with my two beautiful girls"

The Leo and The Young AriesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora