Chapter 19

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Almost there.

We arrived at the hospital and I was immediately sent to the stork unit. I was put in my own room and right now I was trying not to break Rogers hand.

" Roger it AHHHG" the contractions were very close together and it felt if someone had punched me over and over again.

"Calm down Babe it'll be okay" he cooed but I was in to much pain to really calm down.

The doctor came in to check up on me to see how far I was.

"Mrs.Taylor it's time to start pushing"
I really thought I was gonna break his hand once I started pushing. Roger was a trooper though and kept on holding my hand. A baby cry broke through the room and It was like a sigh of relief.

" IT'S A GIRL" the doctor cried out getting a cheer from everyone.

"It's a baby girl Michy a girl oh god this is great" Roger exclaimed.

" It really is" I told him with such happiness at the moment I just couldn't handle it.

They had gotten both the baby and I cleaned up and they handed her to me.

" She's beautiful" I whispered careful not to wake her up.

" Just like you" He said kissing me on the cheek.

He was hugged up beside the bed looking at her admiring her just as I was.

"What's her Name" The nurse asked us.

I looked at Roger and smiled as we had already picked out a name.

"Hazel Caroline Breeze Taylor" I told her

It was a pretty long name but we both didn't want her to have a plain three names. We wanted her to stand out and be different. We both liked Hazel, Caroline because we both loved the Neil Diamond song, breeze because it's a very pretty name, and Taylor because it's his last name that I'll soon be taking up.

" It's a very beautiful name"she said writing it down on the birth certificate.

It was about 4 in the morning and I was tired but not enough to go to sleep.

"Do you want to hold her Roger" I asked him

" of course" he said softly.

He sat on the bed by my feet and I gently handed her over.

"She's got your freckles" he said staring at her then looking up at me.

" She's got your lips"

"She's really a mix of both of us" he said as we pointed out the different things about her that made her so perfect.

Minus the curls since she doesn't have much hair yet she looked like the baby from my dream. Exactly like that baby. It made me nervous being that in my dream someone took her and it scared me.

" Look she's opening her eyes" she said

He showed her to me and she slowly opened her eyes. She had gorgeous pair of deep blue eyes. It was like the Pacific Ocean with diamond sparkles. She was gorgeous.

"She's perfect" we both said.

There was a knock on the door and a nurse came in "Mrs.Taylor it's time to feed the baby"

"Okay "

Roger handed her back to me and I cradled her in my arms.

" Are you gonna Breast feed her or formula" the nurse asked me

" By Bottle"

"Michy you should breast feed her" Roger said

" Hold on" I told the nurse turning towards him

" Why" I asked him

" It's better for the baby it makes them smarter and then to be closer"

"Yes Roger but I don't want our kid to be hungry and just have to in public feed her"

"Oh alright Michy" he said

She quickly took the bottle and Roger helped me with feeding her. I kept forgetting he was a dad already and he's already went through this before. He helped me with changing her, putting he clothes on, burping Hazel, and so on. He was a great help. He even told me that it all came naturally to me.

Eventually I was extremely tired but I didn't want to leave her. I knew Roger was there but I wanted to hold her and make sure she was okay.

"Michy you need sleep why don't you go to sleep for a bit and I'll watch her" I shook my head instantly

" No, no I'm fine" I told him

He gave me a look that made me know he was serious.

" Ugh fine" I told him making him smile.

" Alright now hand me daddy's little girl" He said softly picking her up and cradling her

I smiled at them just capturing that moment so I'll always remember. I then laid down and did my best to fall asleep.

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