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There was indistinct chatter in the crowd as Pigsy, Tang, and Y/n were shopping

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There was indistinct chatter in the crowd as Pigsy, Tang, and Y/n were shopping. Pigsy then holds up a corral as he says, "Now this is a beautiful carrot! Couple more finds like this baby and we're golden!" Y/n tilts her head confused. Tang takes the carrot and comments, "Looks the same as the last 20,000 carrots we've looked at." Pigsy takes the carrot, "Give me that! I wouldn't expect you to appreciate a fine carrot like this!"

Pigsy crossed his arms, "You ain't no culinary genius! Ha ha. Like me!" Then the trio hear a woman laugh, "My, my, my... you boys are making quite a scene." The three look at the woman who questioned, "Looking to buy some ingredients? Something tasty? You've come to the right place." She then blows a kiss as Y/n felt herself blush a bit at the woman's appearance, 'E-eh? My face feels warm...' Tang felt suspicious, "Uh..." He sighed, "Come on, Pigsy and y/n. Let's just keep going." Y/n nods but then the two turns confused when Pigsy went over to the Lady.

Pigsy nervously chuckled, "You... you are selling beautiful vegetables today?" Both Tang and Y/n turn confused when they saw the boxes filled with either nothing or rotten vegetables. Tang questioned, "Are you blind?" Y/n crossed her arms as she had dotted eyes while tilting her head:

 Tang questioned, "Are you blind?" Y/n crossed her arms as she had dotted eyes while tilting her head:

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(Made the gif in capcut :3, Nezuko so cute!!! 🥰)

However Tang's question was left unanswered as the Lady answers Pigsy, "That's right, sugar.  This is the finest store in the whole market. Why don't you come around back and look at my exclusive wares." Y/n felt uneasy as she looks at Pigsy when the woman turns around and goes to the back. Y/n says, "Pigsy. I'm not sure, if you should-" "Y/n, I need this," cut off Pigsy.

Tang and Y/n looked at each other then sighed. The two followed Pigsy as the Lady says, "A little closer... a little closer." The three went closer. Y/n looked down and saw a trapdoor with a green spider, "Eh?" However the trapdoor opens as the three scream while the Lady laughs. The trapdoor closes when the three fell down.


Meanwhile at the harbor, Sandy watches Mei play a video game. Sandy says, "Hey." He then questioned, "You think it's weird we don't spend much time in this secret base? Like we haven't been down here for weeks." Mei continues to play the video game as she agreed, "Yeah. And if you think about it, do we even need to be down here right now?" Then MK showed up, "Guys! Pigsy and Y/n are missing!" "Missing? What do you mean they're missing?" Asked Mei.

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