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Macaque was now walking through the desert

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Macaque was now walking through the desert. He takes out the silver compass and opens it. He then remembers what happened when he was taken to the Lady Bone Demon by the Mayor.

The Mayor pushes him through the portal. Macaque turns to him with a glare. However the portal goes away as Macaque looks around and sees the Golden Staff incased by ice. Macaque says, "The staff. The city." He turns to the Lady Bone Dmeon, "You've been busy."

The Lady Bone Demon was floating above the air with closed eyes, "Tell me. What madness overcame you, that you would forsake your oath? When did you decide to betray me?" Macaque says, "Listen, Lady Bone Demon." Then she opened her glowing blue eyes and a cold aura was felt.

"Have you forgotten who I am?" She questioned. She glared down at Macaque, "What I am! I, who returned you to the mortal plane. All in exchange for such a little favor. That when the time came, you would free me, aid in my pursuit of equilibrium. But no. With the first breath of new life, you rebelled against your fate. Fool."

Macaque winced a bit, "So, you want something." The Lady Bone Demon's eyes stopped glowing as she stopped floating. She stared at him with narrowed eyes, "I offer one more chance at redemption. Bring me the Monkey King, his protégé, and my pet. And perhaps you will be worthy of my mercy." She then summons the silver compass which appears in Macaque's hand. He turns surprised, "And this is-"

"A compass of sorts. No matter where they flee, this will find them," stated Lady Bone Demon. Macaque shrugs and puts the Silver Compass in his pocket, "Convenient. All right, then." He then turns to leave, "Seems like they've got a bit of a headway, so-"

That's when chains rise from the ground and pull Macaque. "What is this?!" As the Mayor appears and pushes his head down onto the ground.

The Lady Bone Demon spoke, "A reminder. It seems you cannot be trusted to willingly follow the path of destiny. But know this. If you betray me again, one misstep, one failure in any way, I will erase the very memory of you. Now, bring them to me, my champion."


Pigsy and Tang were taking down camp. Tang looks at Wukong who was still meditating, "Oh, Monkey King. He's glowing. That's got to be a good sign, right?" Pigsu rolled his eyes, "That's all he does. Glows and sits around all day cause he's got to get hiss strength back and apparently can't spare five minutes to help pack up camp nor can't help Y/n train her strange new powers." Tang shakes his head, "Pigsy, you know never to wake up someone from a train meditation." Pigsy huffed, "Tang, go get the others. Let's get going."

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