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Pigsy looks around in the chapter he's in

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Pigsy looks around in the chapter he's in. He felt uneasy, "Tang?" He summons his rake, "Mei? MK?! Ah! Where are you guys?!" He then sees a familiar blue figure, "Sandy?" He then hears sobs from the blue figure. He turns concerned and went over to him, "Sandy, are you hurt?!" The blue figure continues to sob, "Oh, the Sandy is scared. Pigsy frowns and looks around, "Oh, ain't nothing to be scared of, except these piles and piles and piles of skills." He laughs nervously, "This ain't good. Looks like Sandy's trapped in the body of his demon ancestor, Sha what's-his-name?" He then looks at the blue figure, "Let's get out of here before whatever left all those boned does the same to us."

'Sandy' sniffs and wipes his tears, "It'd take a powerful warrior to defeat the monster who did that." 'Sandy' asked, "Are you a powerful warrior, mister?" Pigsy shrugs, "Yeah, sure, a big powerful warrior. Come on, let's get moving before..." Then he quickly held his ground when skulls are blown pass him as 'Sandy' takes out his Crescent staff. 'Sandy' grins, "Finally, a worthy challenger for Sha Wujing of the Flowing Sands River!" Pigsy held his rake close to him, "Oh, nuts." Sha Wujing laughed, "All thrse jabronis thought they could go one-on-one with the champ. That little pooper-scooper ain't gonna save you now."

He then summons his arena as echos of the word 'fight' were heard. Then Sha Wujing leaps at Pigsy in an intend to attack him.


In another chapter, MK follows Acolyte into the temple. MK asked, "Hey, miss, you haven't seen my friends around, have you? Pig guy, glasses guy, sword-girl guy..." He then gasps when he takes in the scene of the rest of the temple, "Whoa..." Acolyte explains, "This is the Temple of the Tilted Moon and Three Stars, where those select few are trained and shaped to become powerful sages under the instruction of the wise Shifu Subodhi." MK turns surprised, "Shifu Subodhi?" MK grins, "Then this... this must be the place where Monkey King learned it all! All his abilities."

MK smiled as he imagines Wukong as one of the students. He then remembers the vision, "Monkey King." He turns to Acolyte, "Where is Shifu Subodhi? I need to see him. Now!" "I-" "You really think you're worthy of meeting the Master on your first day?" Questioned one of the students. As two students came up. The second one had a grin, "No one has even seen the Shifu Subodhi in 50 years." Acolyte looks at the two students annoyed. MK turns surprised, "Fifty years?! But I gotta see him now!"

The second student retorts, "Then just try, Headband. Between us, we've nearly learned 2 of the 72 transformations." MK crossed his arms, "Wow. Two, huh?" He chuckles, "Well, maybe I can give you some pointers on the other 70!" Then MK transforms into his gorilla form and defeats all the students. He then quickly slides under the door by shrinking himself. MK cheered, "Success!" He then is picked up by Master Subodhi, " Master Subodhi?" He then turns big again, "Man, it is so cool! Uh, it is an honor. I know this isn't gonna make sense, but I need to know how-"

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