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The Brotherhood have broken into the Demon Bull King's fortress

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The Brotherhood have broken into the Demon Bull King's fortress. Demon Bull King shouts, "This pursuit has warped your mind, brother. It is the only reason I could imagine that you would have the nerve to assault my home and harm my family!" Azure Lion frowns and narrows his eyes, "I only bear fangs to those that would bear theirs to my own. Your family doesn't understand. We are brothers. It was our dream to conquer the Celestial Realm together!" Demon Bull King questions, "How many times must you be struck down chasing the same foolish dream?" Azure Lion retorts, "The Demon Bull King I used to know would not bend so willingly. He was strong!"

He then cast a vengeful look at Princess Iron Fan, "But it appears the beast has been tamed by the charms of his Celestial Maiden." Demon Bull King growls, "Do not speak of my wife. Do not even look at her!" Azure Lion's frown deepens, "I don't know what happened in the time we were gone, but I've returned to find the mighty have become weak! You're a shadow of your former self, brother. Just another beast subservient to the will of the Monkey King." Then Demon Bull King let's out a beam of energy at the Brotherhood, freeing his family. Azure Lion lands as he summons the Scroll of Memory, "I expected more from you, brother."

Princess Iron Fan looks at her husband, "My love." Then Azure Lion throws several pieces of the scroll at Demon Bull King, but Princess Iron Fan quickly went in front of him and uses her Magic Fan to blow it away. However, she is consumed by the ink. Demon Bull King shouts, "Wait! Stop!" However DBK was struck down by one of the pieces of the scroll. Red Son widened his eyes, "Father!" Demon Bull King looks at him, "Son." He then disappears into ink into the scroll.

Red Son turns to the Brotherhood, "You'll never get away with this! The Celestial Armies will crush you! I'll see to that." Azure Lion says, "Good. Why don't you run along and let them know we're coming." Red Son disappears in a blast of fire. Yellowtusk turns to Azure Lion, "The Demon Bull King was our last hope of reforging The Brotherhood." Peng clenched his fist, "As for Macaque, well, that coward has tucked himself away, somewhere even I cannot sniff him out." Azure Lion sighs, "No matter. We do not need them. We have power enough to finish this ourselves."


Y/n winces and held her stomach. 'Ow... I felt a kick...' Thought Y/n.


The Monkie Kids have gathered around in training gi with Master Subodhi. Mei cheered, "Oh, yeah, baby! I can't wait to learn some Kung Fu skills!" However Master Subodhi books her head. Mei winced, "Ow! Hey!" Master Subodhi retorts, "Do not bother with what they are doing. You will need to focus on the task ahead of you." Mei huffs and crossed her arms, "Uh, yeah, that's what I'm doing." She questioned, "Isn't that why we're wasting time here to learn how to stop Azure Lion from taking over the world?!"

"Relax, Mei," said Tang. He then holds up a bowl of noodles, "Here, have some brain food noodles." Then Master Subodhi bonks him on the head also. Master Subodhi frowns, "And you need to stop gorging yourself on our rations!" "I'm sorry," replied Tang. He sighs, "It's just that I'm stressed, okay? Stressed that Azure Lion has probably taken over the Celestial Realm by now, both Monkey King and Y/n are gone, MK is MIA, and I can't use my powers reliably. I just feel so useless." The others let out a depressed sigh. Subodhi states, "You're too overcome by emotion. Until now, you've overcome adversity through sheer power and luck. That won't be enough this time. Azure Lion, The Golden Winged Peng, and Yellowtusk the Wise. Alone, they can best a thousand-man army. Together, they are nigh unstoppable. I do not make a habit of extending my training to any mere mortals. The very fate of the universe depends on you. But as you are now, it cannot!"

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