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Macaque [Video Game]: Yo, how's it going? It's me, Macaque, or rather the Six-Eared Macaque is, you know, my full name

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Macaque [Video Game]: Yo, how's it going? It's me, Macaque, or rather the Six-Eared Macaque is, you know, my full name.

MK looks at the TV screen in confusion, "Uh, what am I looking at right now?" His form flickers a bit as he wears the vr headset.

Macaque: On your journey, you'll see that it's the choices you make that determine who you are.

Macaque sits on the wooden couch while Hua (Y/n's Monkey friend) sits on his head, "I know you're latest discovery has thrown you for a loop. Between that and Azure Lion and the Lady Bone Demon trying to get inside your head..." He sighs, "You know what?" He deadpans, "Just play the game. That'll teach you everything you need to know, for once. Besides, I put a lot of work into this."

MK just skips the cutscenes, "Oh, yeah, no, I can definitely see that."


In the Celestial Realm, the Celestial Armies are slowly being defeated by The Brotherhood. The remaining members run away. Ne Zha shouts, "Stand your ground! We must drive them back!" Ne Zha held his Spear and went to attack Azure Lion, who brings our his saber to block him. Ne Zha shouted, "Azure, end this madness! You cannot hope to win!" Azure Lion only glares at him, "You will delay our victory no longer."

Red Son watches in shock as Ne Zha is blasted back by Azure Lion. Red Son narrowed his eyes and fires up to confront him, "You! I'll make you pay for that!" But Azure Lion grabs him mid-air while in his other hand holds another piece of the scroll. Ne Zha removes a piece of rubble from himself to only see Red Son be consumed by the ink and into the scroll.


Below in the Temple of the Tilted Moon and Three Stars, the Monkie Kids are meditating with Master Subodhi. Mei cringes at rhe sounds of the chaos above and gets up to walk away. Subodhi opened his eyes and turns his head to him, "And just where do you think you're going?" Mei turns to him, "We can't just keep sitting here meditating or whatever! We gotta get up there and stop Azure." "You are not ready," stated Subodhi. Then Meibsummons her Dragon Blade and points it at Subodhi.

Tang panics, "Mei! What are you doing, raising a blade to the Great Shifu Subodhi?" Mei ignores him, "What's your deal, guy?! We are so ready to go and end this!" Subodhi sighs, "Still, you have learned nothing. If you leave now, you will be walking into the embrace of your own demise." Tang frowns, "You're right, Shifu." Then he has a determined look, "Perhaps we aren't ready. We might be clumsy and kind of figuring things out as we go, but it's worked out for us so far." Sandy agrees, "And with Master's training, then surely we stand a chance. Personally, I've never felt more in sync with you guys (Subodhi puts another star on his layer of stars already on him) than I do right now."

Then the groups leaves out to the baloney. Mei says, "Even if we don't have MK, Y/n, or Monkey King, we still have to try!" Pigsy crossed his arms, "Uh, normally, when we need some sort if deus ex machine, MK does that staff thing? How are we gonna get to the Celestial Realm?" Sandy grins, "In stylr!" Sandy then begins to convert the stars given to him.

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