The Winter Soldier

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"Insights launching in sixteen hours, we're cutting it a bit short here." Nat said from the backseat.

It was a very awkward arrangement. The car only fit four people. Sam was driving, Steve was in the passenger seat. Nat and Sitwell sat in the back. The only option for you was to sit on someones lap. Since Sam was driving and you hated Sitwell (Steve wouldn't have let you even if you wanted to anyways), you were sitting on Steves'.

It didn't really bother you to much, but you wondered if that fact should bother you.

It wasn't that you didn't love Tony or even that you wanted to cheat on Tony. You never wanted to cheat on Tony, he was the only one that you loved.

But there was an attraction to Steve- how could there not be? But it was more of what you'd said after you'd woken up. You kind've just wanted to know that there was someone out there, who wasn't designed to love or care about you, that did.

Steve just happened to be that person.

"I know." Steve said. "We'll use him to bypass the DNA scans and access the helicarriers directly."

"What? Are you crazy?" Sitwell asked. "That is a terrible, terrible idea."

Suddenly, there was a crash as something landed on the car. The glass on Sitwells side shattered and a long, familiar looking metal arm reached in, pulling him out.

Nat suddenly jumped into the front seat, smashing you between herself and Steve as you heard gunshots. You fought frantically, feeling the breath close up in your throat as your claustrophobia started to rise up.

Sam slammed the brakes and you finally managed to break free. Now there were two ladies in Steve's lap. You glanced out the window and saw a man standing there, the silver arm with the red star attached to his body. He had long brown hair and his eyes and mouth were covered by a mask.

Suddenly, something rammed into you from behind and you started going straight towards the man.

"NAT GET OFF ME!" You shouted, panic almost giving in.

The man did a fantastic flip, landing on top of the car. You tried to wiggle out between the two of them. A hand suddenly shot down and ripped the steering wheel right out of Sam's hands.

"SHIT!" He shouted.

"Hang on!" Steve shouted as the car started to flip. You could feel his arm tightening around you, while he reached out to grab the back of Sam's jacket.

You were suddenly falling out of the car, landing harshly, though it didn't feel to bad since you were landing on Steve instead. But you started to panic, now noticing that it was both Sam and Nat on top of you.

'Breathe in'.

'Don't panic.'

Steve yanked you to your feet and you tried to pull yourself together.

"Y/N-" Steve said and then his arm was wrapped around you again. You didn't even know what happened, except that you went flying. You crashed through something. You heard screams. The thing you crashed into crashed.

"Y/N! Y/N!" Steve shouted and you groaned. You were bloody useless on this trip.

"Steve?" You asked uncertainly. "What-?"

"Are you alright?" Steve asked, blue eyes worried.

"Uh, I think so." You mumbled, checking your pockets for the guns. "What the hell just happened? Who is that?"

"The Winter Soldier." Steve said. "He killed Fury."

You wanted to shoot to your feet, but you suddenly realized that you were in a bus that was tipped sideways. People were crawling out windows and you looked around. You could hear gunshots.

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