Finding a Helper

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Tony walked out of the lake house that he had, looking for his daughters. Everleigh, and his new daughter that he'd had with Pepper after he lost Y/N and she lost Happy: Morgan. There was a tent out in what he considered the front hard and he figured they were probably playing in there together.

He clapped his hands as he approached in a rhythmic way and called out, "Chow time!" He bent down as neither of them exited, "Everly. Maguna." He sat down in the wooden chair, holding one of the stuff toys. "Morgan H. Stark. Everleigh M. Stark you want some lunch?"

Morgan came out of the tent, wearing an Iron Man helmet he'd been making for Pepper, a blaster on her hand, "Define lunch or be disintegrated."

"Okay." Tony said quickly as Everleigh emerged from the tent as well, though luckily she wasn't wearing any Iron man gear. "You should not be wearing that, okay? That is part of a special anniversary gift-"

Everleigh huffed and walked back up to the house and Tony sighed a little. His older daughter missed her mother and little brother and was angry that Tony had moved on with Pepper. He didn't blame her. Sometimes he wondered if he had moved on to fast as well.

After all Morgan had been conceived to recently after Thanos had snapped Y/N away. He and Pepper were both in anguish, both of them missing soulmates. In an alcohol fueled passion, they'd ended up in the same bed and poof, there was Morgan. They weren't married. Tony hadn't put a ring on it like Steve had with Elizabeth. But he had started moving on with her and she with him.

He just leaned in, kissing the Iron man helmet on the cheek. He did love Morgan. She was the most adorable child. He pulled the helmet off her head, smoothing back the brown hair that fell in front of her face, "There you go. Thinking about lunch? I can give you a handful of crickets on a bed of lettuce."

"No." She whined.

"That's what you want." He held up the helmet, "How did you find this?"


"Really?" He said skeptically. "Were you looking for it?"

"No. I found it, though."

"Hmmm. You like going in the garage, huh? So does daddy." Tony said, grabbing her around the legs to pick her up to carry her back to the house. "It's fine, actually. Mom never wears anything I buy her." He headed close to the house saying, "So I'm gonna. . ."

He drifted off, looking over to see Steve Rogers getting out of a car with Natasha and Scott- someone he definitely hadn't seen in a while. He really hadn't seen any of them in a while. Elizabeth came over on Sundays because she would take Everleigh to church with her and then bring them something she'd make before that and they'd eat brunch together. But the other three. . . no.

He turned around, nodding his head to Nat. He took Morgan inside first and then came back out to talk to the others.

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"No. We know what it sounds like." Scott was speaking now while Tony poured the four of them glasses of some health beverage that he liked.

"Tony, after everything you've seen, is anything really impossible?" Steve's voice asked.

"Quantum fluctuation messes with the Planck scale." Tony said quickly. "which then triggers the Deutsch Proposition. Can we agree on that?"

"Thank you." Steve mumbled as Tony handed him a drink.

"In layman's terms, it means you're not coming home." Tony finished.

"I did." Scott said.

"No. You accidentally survived." Tony corrected. "It's a billion-to-one cosmic fluke. And now you want to pull a. . . what do you call it?"

Pumpkin- Tony StarkTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang