Back Together

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"Tony? Are you okay? What's going on?" You asked as you spoke into the phone.

"Yeah. I'm fine." Tony responded. "I just think we might have to push our um pretend restaurant reservation back."

"Why?" You asked in a warning tone, looking at the TV screen. Elizabeth was laying on the couch, staring at the screen with hazy eyes. She hadn't stopped crying once since she'd gotten here, the waterworks alternating on and off.

Rhodey was there, trying to help with the kids. The two older children were talking with Everleigh in hushed tones in the corner. Sam was there too, looking a little skittish of Rhodey almost, but not quite. Rhodey hadn't tried to arrest him yet at any rate.

"Just cause I'm probably uh, not gonna make it back for a while." Tony mumbled.

You closed your eyes in understanding, and also a little bit of apprehension, "Tell me you're not on that ship."

Rhodey looked over at you.


"God, no. Please tell me you're not on the ship." You said, cradling Arlo in one arm as he slept there.

"Pumpkin, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I don't know what to say."

You closed your eyes. "Just. . . God Tony please. Elizabeth just. . . I can't lose you."

The connection was getting worse with the phone. "I love you." You whispered as you heard F.R.I.D.A.Y. say, "Boss, we're losing her."

You closed your eyes, falling backwards into the couch, holding Arlo tightly to your chest. He needed to be safe. He just had to.

🎃::::: 🧡 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 🧡 :::::🎃

Wanda was curled up under the covers of her bed, wearing Visions white shirt and a pair of his boxers. They had just finished having their nightly round of sex and he was pulling the drapes back now while she had a cup of tea.

He let out a small gasp that sounded almost as though it was in pain. Wanda looked up. "Vis? Is it the stone again?"

She slid out of bed and walked over to where he was standing. He was in his human form at the moment, the way he usually was these days. But the yellow stone glowed out on his forehead and he screwed his eyes up and clenched his teeth in real pain.

"Hey." She said, sliding her hands up on his face. His other hand came up to cup hers and he tilted his mouth so he could kiss her palm, before pulling her hand a little closer to kiss her palm again. They he placed the part he'd kissed to his forehead.

"Tell me what you feel." He asked softly.

"I just feel you." Wanda whispered back.

And he bent down to kiss her.

Later, they went walking down the street, holding hands, "So there's a ten a.m. to Glasgow which would give us more time together before you went back."

She was trying to get more time, knowing that he was alternating between staying at the Avengers Compound and sneaking to see her.

"What if I miss that train?" Vision asked in a slightly teasing tone.

"There's an eleven o'clock." She responded.

"What if I missed all the trains?" Vision asked, turning to face her at the stop. He smiled a little and then asked, "What if this time, I didn't go back?"

"But you gave Stark your word." Wanda frowned a little. As much as she wanted to spend more time with Vision, she also didn't want him to get in trouble. Even if they couldn't contain him, he would go like a normal person.

Pumpkin- Tony StarkWhere stories live. Discover now