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"Respect him, but don't trust him

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"Respect him, but don't trust him." was the parting wisdom his father had given him.

ㅤIt had been surprising enough for his father to request Alex for a meeting in the first place, let alone to actually have Alex be the one speaking. They were family on a sheet of paper only, it could be ripped at any time, the duke was more like his owner than anything else.

ㅤIf the duke could avoid speaking to Alex, he would. Normally, Alex would simply deliver his reports by parchment, whether his father actually read them or not was a different matter. His dad simply despised the sound of his voice, which is why he was surprised when he was suddenly hit by a barrage of questions.

Where did you find him? What did he say his name was? How did he behave?

ㅤAlex did his best to answer each question in as little words as possible but his father hadn't seemed grated by his mere presence for the first time in his life.

ㅤ"Explain it to me again." his father commanded.

ㅤ"Well, I was investigating the child disappearances, since the rate in Bullmar was exceptionally high." Alex half expected to be punished for sticking his nose where it didn't belong, but instead his father nodded along in understanding.

ㅤ"Yes, he did say something about child trafficking."

ㅤ"Who did, sorry?"


ㅤHis father waved him off. "Then what?"

ㅤAlex hesitated and decided to leave out the part where James helped a boy escape. "Then, I found him at the border and recognised him, so I took him in. He agreed to your conditions and so I brought him here."

ㅤ"I'm surprised he let you live." his dad mused, amusement lacing his words. It wasn't news to Alex that his dad didn't value him emotionally. Alex's death would've just been a bum investment. "How did you control him?"

ㅤ"That sword. He seems obsessed with the thing."

ㅤ"Yes. I'm not surprised." his father paused, thinking. "I'll get someone to investigate your concerns. Thank you for letting me know."

ㅤAstonished, Alex fought to keep his face neutral. His father had never listened to what Alex had claimed before, even if he begged to be heard.

ㅤ"Your Grace, may I ask you a question?"

ㅤIt was risky and his dad's blue eyes narrowed, contemplating whether to agree or not.


ㅤAlex fought his nerves down. "About James... Why is he being treated like a guest? Until a day ago he was a prisoner. What changed?"

ㅤMore importantly, who was he? Seeing him strut around like he owned the place, the shift in his accent, it was like he was a noble all along. Alex always knew there was something deeper there, James was just too educated for a commoner. Now he was suddenly a completely different person on the outside.

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