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James was struggling to come up with an answer and the more he thought about it, the more frustrated he became

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James was struggling to come up with an answer and the more he thought about it, the more frustrated he became. He wouldn't cut Alex's face nor neck off, but as he went down the list of body parts, he quickly ran out of options. He wouldn't cut off his arms or hands because they were also attractive and Alex used them to carry a sword— another sexy display. Whilst he didn't care much for Alex's legs, he needed those to fight as well. He supposed he could take some fingers or toes, but then, what would be the point?

ㅤHe shivered uncomfortably, Alex was dangerously immune to James' bloodthirst. He would have to hope Alex never did anything worth injury because James sincerely wouldn't know which part of him to harm. He didn't want to hurt him.

ㅤHis chest and stomach tightened uneasily at the thought.

ㅤShooting a glare Alex's way, he cursed the man in his head. Alex didn't see this, he was busy keeping an eye out as they neared the smoke's origin.

ㅤThe trees dropped away as they progressed, the land opened up and shallow hills creased down the landscape as they viewed it from the path. Fields of underdeveloped leafy vegetables covered the exposed soil, kale, cabbages, and spinach were growing in messy but organised lines. The smoke trailed down, touching the ground near some wooden huts on the other side, a dozen slaves huddled around and cooking their lunch in the embers whilst a few tended the fields.

ㅤJames looked around but didn't see any pale Khearian people, only the brown slaves. He was surprised they were being left unsupervised.

ㅤTheir expedition halted, their horses still. Quickly, the slaves began to notice the interest in them and the unease was palpable. Some of the much younger teenagers were ushered into the huts, whilst the adults remained outside.

ㅤRiley was the first to get off his horse, handing the reins to Thomas to stop the animal from wandering.

ㅤAlthough James couldn't hear what they were saying, the slaves began calling back and forth among each other, until two of the adult men who had been working the fields cautiously approached their expedition. They came up near the path, but didn't stray from the field's boundaries, prompting Riley to walk further down.

ㅤ"We're lost," Riley told them, "where are we?"

ㅤThe two slaves looked at each other nervously, before responding too quietly for James to hear. Riley scratched his head as they talked to him, glancing back at the expedition in confusion.

ㅤAfter another moment, Riley gestured for the men to stay where they were and walked back towards the path.

ㅤ"They're speaking a language I don't understand," Riley said, then grimaced, "I don't think they understand me either."

ㅤ"Me and James can try," Fletcher offered, "we both know a few languages, we could figure it out between us."

ㅤJames was a little annoyed to be dragged into it but accepted his fate anyway. Fletcher was right; if not him, then James would probably understand.

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