Chapter 71

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The Void Blade's sinister aura wrapped around his hand and slithered up his arm. He tightened his grip around the soft yet firm handle. 'It won't hurt me,' the thought calmed his rapid heartbeat. The blade, a twisted and wicked creation seemingly forged in the depths of darkness, hummed with a malevolent energy that sent shivers down his spine.

As he raised the Void Blade, its obsidian edge glinted with a hint of otherworldly light, casting an eerie glow on his face. He studied the blade for a moment, mesmerized by its sinister beauty. The body of the sword, adorned with intricate patterns of a serpent that appeared to writhe and shift, seemed to beckon to him, urging him to embrace the power it offered.


The gentle, shrill voice of a boy echoed inside Theodore's mind, rising to a higher pitch at the end of his sentence. It carried a child-like tone, unmistakably that of a young boy. Theodore's eyes widened in surprise, never expecting that the eerie power of a god-slaying sword would belong to a mere child. "...Can I hold you?"


Theodore let out a shaky breath, relieved that the sword allowed him to wield it. He swung the blade experimentally, testing its weight and balance. It moved through the air with an unnatural swiftness, giving off an almost ethereal grace. He felt a surge of emotions through him: a heady mix of fear and exhilaration. 'Haha...' he didn't realize that he was laughing, the sword felt oddly...fitting, resting within his grip.

The Void Blade's aura seemed to intensify, swirling around him like a dark mist as if responding to his every move. He could feel its ominous energy coursing through him, empowering him with a newfound strength, but a small voice in the back of his mind whispered warnings: 'Don't lose yourself to its power'.

"Ah!" Theodore staggered backwards, sharply exclaiming with surprise. He looked at Osiris and Thoth, and their expressions spoke of nothing but pure awe. The fear and worry that had gripped them earlier had disappeared entirely, replaced by wonder. Theodore took this as a good sign, and a smile crept up his lips. His eyes went down to the Void Blade as he declared with newfound confidence. "Well, it's mine now."

"Yes...Yes it is," Osiris nodded, responding to his aplomb with a bright smile of his own. "Do take a little more time to get used to its powers. The Void Blade seemed to have gained might or might not aid you in your battles."

Theodore held the blade closer, his eyes tracing along the scale patterns running down its body. With a gentle smile, he spoke to it, his voice calm and soft, as if he was trying to lull a baby. It most likely hasn't been long since it'd gained is ego, he needed to be careful with how he behaves with it. "You remember Ra, right? I'll be needing you to get rid of him, so please help me out, okay?"

[...Okay. Ra is bad. I still remember him.]

"Great! Thank you...Void? No, can I call you Ian?"

[I...Ian...] the sword seemed to be giving it a thought. He didn't keep his silence for long though and gave a shudder within Theodore's hand — a nod of approval. [Okay! I like Ian!]

Giving a god slaying sword such a generic name might seem odd, Theodore realized that, but he saw the Void Blade as more of a person rather than an object. As he held the sword, there was a slight tingly feeling that he couldn't exactly wrap his thoughts around — a feeling of connection would be the best way to describe it like the weapon had something familiar hidden within its mysterious yet uncanny aura.

"Glad you liked it, 'Ian' has the same meaning as my name: Theodore."

[Brothers...We are brothers!]

Theodore went quiet at Ian's sudden outburst, the sword kept repeating his words to fill in his silence. A chuckle escaped his lips as he replied with an amused tone. "Ha, I guess we are technically brothers."

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