Chapter 2: Olivia

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Tanisha, Nakita and I enter the restroom.

"Oh my gosh, Connor is so cute and so funny!" Tanisha coos.

"I can't believe y'all invited them along," I whine.

"Girl, this is just what you needed to take your mind off everything that's been going on," Nakita tells me. "Let's have a little fun with these boys. I have my eyes on those Nikes Tee Tee showed us earlier. Maybe a new outfit to go along with it."

"What are you talking about?" Tanisha asks. Apparently, she is just as confused as I am.

"Why the hell you think I went for the ugly one? I been gassing that muthafucka up for a reason. I KNEW they had money when they walked up."

Tanisha lets out a hysterical laugh, "AHHH, that's why you been all on him?"

I'm shocked by Nakita's behavior, "Oh my god Kita."

"It's workin' too, he promised we could go shopping after the movie."

I let out a disappointed sigh and shake my head, then head into the stall.


We make our way back out to the boys. Landon hands the attendant our tickets to tear. "Would you like anything from the concession stand?" he asks me.

"Nope." I continue to walk into the theater while my friends go to the concession stand with the other boys. I take a seat in the middle section, the theater is empty with the exception of a few other people. I'm hoping Landon will leave me alone. Within a few minutes Spencer and Kita come in, they go to the very top right corner. Following behind them a minute later is Tanisha and Connor who make their way to the top left corner of the theater.

Landon makes his way over to me but stops one seat short of sitting beside me.

"If you change your mind, let me know and I can get you something," he states.

"I'm good." 


 After the movie is over Kita is still hanging all over Spencer and as promised he takes her shopping. Lord knows what she did with this guy. Connor and Tanisha seem quite flirty themselves. I, on the other hand, am ready to go home.

"Tee Tee, I'm going home."

"What? Already? Come on Liv, hang out a bit longer."

"Nah, I'll call you later."

Landon attempts to speak, "Olivia, it was nice---"

I'm not interested in anything he has to say, so I walk away from Landon mid-sentence.

I make my way through the mall to get to the bus stop and spot my ex-best friend Quan and a few other guys from the basketball team entering the building. Quan is 6'6, with ebony skin. He's wearing baggy jean shorts, Timberland boots and a black FUBU shirt. He flashes his pearly white teeth but I level him with a glare. His eyes become melancholy, his mouth dips into a frown before turning away from me.


It's been a few days since the awkward encounter with the Prestonwood boys. I'm home, making a sandwich before I need to leave to catch the bus when my house phone rings.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Hi, may I speak to Olivia please?" A male voice asks.

"This is she, who is this?"

"Hi Olivia, it's Landon. We met at the movies the other day."

"Landon?" I don't hide the aggravation in my voice, "How did you get my number?"

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