Chapter 46: Olivia

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Friday night there's a knock on my door, "Come in," I call out.

Courtney opens the door and hands me the cordless phone, "It's Landon."

I take the phone from her, and she closes the door behind her.

"Hey Honey, what's up?"

"Hey Ollie. Umm, I'm going to have to postpone our date tonight. My parents are dragging me out to some stupid dinner with them."

"Seriously, I stayed this weekend just so we could go out tonight."

"I know and I'm really sorry. I tried to get out of it but you know how my dad is."

I sigh, "Ok."

"Listen I have to get going, but I promise you I'll make it up to you."

I disappointedly hang up the phone and walk it down the hall to Courtney's room.

"Here you go," I hand her back the phone.

"What's wrong?"

"Landon had to cancel our date tonight. Apparently his parents are forcing him to go to dinner with them."

"That's a bummer. you can come out to this party with us."

"I don't know Court, I think I'll just stay home and watch TGIF, I haven't had a chance to watch Sister, Sister in a while since I'm usually working."

"Oh come on Liv," she says with a whine.

"Court, I'm not really a party person."

"Ok, so Olivia isn't a party person but Tiffany is totally a party girl."

I twist my face in confusion. "Court what are you talking about?"

"Remember when I asked you how a person that is normally quiet and reserved can get on stage in front of a big audience to sing and act?"

"Yeah," I reply.

"And what did you tell me?"

"I said that I'm not Olivia Walker when I go on stage, I take on a different persona."

"Exactly! You can take on an alter ego tonight. A character you can play at the party. What does she like to wear, how would she do her hair and make-up. Figure out who she is then get into character. Nobody at the party will know you other than me and Connor. You can be whoever you want to be tonight. Tonight is the ultimate performance, the party is your show, and you're the star."

"Oh my gosh Court, I love it!"

I start to prepare for my starring role so my first stop is to raid Courtney's closet. My style is what Tee Tee calls tomboy, I call it dressing for comfort. I like sweatpants and baggy t-shirts. I've never been a fan of tight clothes but tonight Vanessa is pulling out all the stops. Courtney hands me a zebra print mini- skirt, white cropped shirt and a pair of black platform boots. I fix my hair and Courtney does my make-up.

There's a knock on Courtney's door.

"Yeah, come in," she calls out.

"Are you two almost ready?" Connor asks, he stops in his tracks and looks at our scantily clad outfits. "WHOA, Mom is NEVER letting you two out the house dressed like that." He gawks at me, seemingly trying to hide a smile.

"I know," says Courtney. "That's why she won't see us dressed like this." She goes into her closet and pulls out two oversized sweaters and two pairs of leggings. She tosses the disguise to me to put on.

"Where did you even get those outfits from? There's no way Mom and Dad know you own clothes like that."

"There is no way Mom and Dad know you have those Hustler magazines that are hiding in your sock drawer."

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