Chapter 13: Olivia

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Quan sits on the floor of my room listening to the radio while I sit on the bed and braid his hair. My doorknob jiggles and my mom pushes open the door.

"Q! How are you sweetie, I haven't seen you around here in weeks," my mother says.

"I'm good Ms. Walker."

"Q, are you going to stick around for dinner? We're having Jambalaya."

"Yes ma'am. I'll stick around."

"Ok, I'll let you two know when dinner is ready," She informs us then closes the door halfway behind herself.

I make a new part in his hair and continue to braid it.

"So how are things with your boyfriend or whateva? Did he give you his science club pin to wear or some shit?

"HA HA HA--" "I think it's safe to say that's not ever going to happen. I'm pretty sure it's over between us."


"I haven't heard from him in a week. I called his cell phone last night and he didn't pick up and he hasn't called me back. He always picks up when I call, or at the very least calls back soon afterward. I know he saw he had a missed call from me."

"Dang, I'm sorry Livy."

"Stop ya lyin'. You know you're happy to be rid of him."

Quan chuckles, "Aiight, maybe a little bit. But it's only because sumthin' feels shady."

I become still for a moment. He turns his head to look up at my face.

"You good?" he asks.

"I don't know." A single tear steams down my cheek. My voice low and cracking, "I think I may have made a huge mistake that I can't take back."

He gets up off the floor and sits beside me on the bed. "What kind of mistake?"

I stay quiet for a moment and get my thoughts together.

"He said he was falling for me." I drop my head and the tears flow harder, "and I told him I had fallen for him too. I believed him and he made a fool of me." My right leg nervously trembles. "I thought we had a genuine connection. I thought I felt something real when I was with him. I was so stupid."

Quan gets down on his knee in front of me. He lifts my chin and wipes away my tears with his right thumb. "Livy, look at me... YOU aren't the fool, and you aren't stupid. HE IS. I don't know why he dipped on you but trust me, it's his loss, not yours. If he can't see what a catch you are, then fuck him. There is someone out there who is worthy of your love. Someone who will appreciate you. Trust me."

I try to force a smile. "You're probably right." I place my arms around his neck.

"Of course I'm right." He pulls me close to him for a hug.

We embrace for a few moments before I feel ok enough to let him go.

"Thanks Q,"

"You can thank me by getting back to this" he chuckles and points at his hair. "I'm not paying you to leave my hair half done," he said as he eases back between my lap.

"Umm, you aren't paying me at all!" I flick the comb against the back of his head.

"SEE, that's exactly why I ain't paying you. You too damn rough. Tee Tee don't abuse her clients" he jokes.

"Boy, be quiet and let me finish."


Soon after finishing up Quan's hair my mom calls us to dinner. We go into the kitchen to make our plates then sit down at the table.

"Q, would you please say grace for us?" my mom asks.

"Yes ma'am." Quan, reaches for both of our hands and we bow our heads as he starts the prayer. "Lord, we thank you for this food and we asked that you bless this meal and the hands that made it. Amen."

"Amen," My mom and I say and open our eyes.

"Q, has basketball started yet?" she asks.

"Not until next month." He takes a bite of his Jambalaya then gets up to go the fridge to get a soda.

"I can never keep up with when all the sports start," she replies. "So how many points are you hoping to average this season."

"twenty-eight a game, maybe more."

"Your mom told me you were looking at UNC or Florida State, what were your SAT scores."

"Honestly not the greatest, I'll need to retake it."

"I can help you prep for it. I could use the practice anyway since I'm taking them soon."

"Aiight, thanks Livy. I'm just really bad at taking tests. I have more of a creative mind."

Quan finishes up his first plate of food then goes over to the stove to get seconds.

"Dang Quan, leave some leftovers for my lunch tomorrow!" I holler. "See Mama this why I don't like inviting him over for dinner. He will eat it all," I kid.

"Oh Liv, there's plenty to go around. Q's a growing boy," she teases.

"More like a greedy boy," I joke back.

"Mama Walker you be throwin' down in the kitchen." He scoops a mouth full of food as he makes his way back to the table.

"Thank you hun." She gets up from the table and puts her plate into the sink.

"I'll do the dishes and take out the trash," Quan states to my mom.

"Thank you Q, you are always so helpful," she says. "Liv, I'm going to go nap for a bit. I'm going in with Wanda tonight. She has a big janitorial job at some investment bank downtown and could use my help."

"Ok Mama. Q and I will be quiet."

She gives a nod before making her way into her bedroom.

Quan finishes up his food. I startto put away the leftovers while Quan starts washing the dishes. He always feels right at home here and I'mjust as comfortable at his house. We've always had meals with each other'sfamilies. If he wants a drink or a snack he doesn't ask, he just goes into thekitchen and gets whatever he wants. He pitches in with household chores and it'snot unusual for him to crash on my bedroom floor after a long day of school orbasketball practice. Quan is my brother, my family. 

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