Chapter 53: Connor

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Monday morning I head downstairs into the kitchen. Mom has made her usual Monday morning spread of waffles, bacon, sausage, eggs and fresh fruit parfait.

"Good morning Connor," she greets with a forehead kiss. Though I feel I'm far too old for this I indulge her, I'll be gone to Annapolis in a few short months, so I let her have these moments.

"Morning Mom."

"You're down early," she takes note.

Since Olivia moved in I find myself coming down early on the mornings I don't have dryland workouts. She and Courtney usually leave about thirty minutes before I do since their school is further away and starts earlier.

"Help yourself, I'm going to get the morning paper."

She has everything laid out buffet style, I grab a plate and load it with waffles and eggs. I pick up a strip of bacon then it's yanked out of my hands.

"HEY!" I'm about to yell at Courtney but turn around to see Olivia. There's a tug in my belly as a smile teases her lips.

She takes a bite of the bacon, "Good morning," she munches.

"You know there's a whole plate here, you didn't have to take that one," I quip.

"Yeah, but I had my eye on that one." She grabs a plate then adds a waffle and a scoop of eggs. She reaches for more bacon, but I playfully nudge her out of the way with my backside.

I hold the plate high in the air. "Nope, you can't have anymore until you apologize for stealing my breakfast," I tease.

"Ok, ok, Connor I'm sorry," she says with a slight whine.

I sit the plate down and she grabs two slices then takes two steps away from me.

"Yeah, I'm sorry that you were too slow to get that first slice of bacon," she laughs and sticks her tongue out at me.

Before I can retaliate my mom walks in. "I want you all to eat the parfait too. The fruit is part of a well-balanced meal."

"Yes, Ma'am," we both say. I grab us each a berry parfait then sit at the table next to Olivia.

"I'll tell you what, from now on we can have a bacon draft and pick that way," I suggest.

"Nope, first come first serve," she leans and whispers, "Loser."

"I'll remember that."

We both playfully nudge each other when my mom isn't looking.


I pull my Mustang into the student parking lot. It's a Monday morning and everyone seems to be dragging. I head inside to my locker to put away my jacket and get my books for first period. I stuff my coat into my locker, when I shut it Landon and I meet eyes but he quickly does a 180 and walks in the other direction. I roll my eyes and head to class. I already know why he's pissed but I don't feel like dealing with his playing the victim bullshit. I head into homeroom and sit toward the back of class near a window. The bell rings and the student announcer begins to read the morning announcements over the loud speaker.

"Good Morning Prestonwood Panthers. Today is February 1st 1999. Today's daily thought of the day is you don't need to know all of the answers, you just need to be courageous enough to take the first step and trust where it leads. This week's Panther Birthdays are Ashley Orebaugh, Ronald Kimmel and Samantha Dewitt. The Prestonwood annual Sweetheart dance is finally here. Tickets go on sale later this week in the dining hall. That concludes our announcement for today."

The annual Sweetheart Ball has already approached and this is the first year in a while I didn't have a Valentine. I dated Melissa McAllister in ninth and tenth grade before she and her family moved to London. She was my first serious girlfriend, my first love. We tried to stay in contact after she moved by writing letters. At first the letters were numerous but soon communication became less frequent until one day we just stopped. In Eleventh grade I dated Amber but that only lasted a few months. There was no particular reason we broke up, it's high school and the relationship had run it's course.

This year, senior year, I thought I'd stay single. Of course, the guys all thought that meant I didn't want to be tied down so I could have sex with whoever I wanted but what I really wanted was to focus on school. I'm going to the Naval Academy and wanted to focus my mind on that. However, I wasn't expecting the absolute perfect girl to literally show up on my doorstep.

After fourth period I head outside to the courtyard where Landon and I normally meet on nice days. I spot him with Spencer, but they are sitting far away from our usual table. I walk over and sit down my lunch tray.

"Why are you way over here in the corner?" I ask.

Landon glares at me but doesn't say a word.

"God, Bro, what is your problem?"

"My problem is you hanging out with my ex." He stares at me blankly. "It looked like you two were on a date."

"It wasn't a date," I say defensively. "We just went out for pizza before I took her home."

"I thought Courtney takes her home after school on Fridays, so why was she with you and why didn't you tell me."

"Court had something to do," I lie. "So, I told my mom I wasn't busy so I could take her. And when do I have to get permission from you to have pizza with a friend then take them to work?"

"Dude," Spencer chimes in, "You're breaking bro code."

"You have got to be shitting me," I spit. "You constantly joked around about wanting to fuck Samantha but I'm breaking bro code by being friendly with Olivia!"

"I was just making jokes. You on the other hand are actively hanging out with our best friend's ex girl."

I shake my head in outrage. Spencer has a lot of nerve. It wasn't just jokes, the only reason he couldn't act on the jokes is because Samantha found him repulsive.

"I don't understand you. You hang out with my ex, you are always taking up for her or taking her side when we have an argument. You clearly have zero sense of loyalty," Landon sneers.

"Landon come on, that's not fair. She LIVES at my house. I have to eat breakfast and dinner with her every day. I don't want things to be awkward with her and I. Besides, it's not my fault that in all these situations she's right. You've been a total dick and you know it."

"Really, a total dick huh? Like I said, you have zero loyalty and you are jeopardizing our friendship over some bitch who embarrassed me in front of all of my friends."

"Dude, watch it," I blurt out before I can stop myself. "Don't call her that."

His brow raises, "Watch it? Or what, Connor?" his eyes narrow.

"Nothing," I back down before I accidentally expose how I feel about her.

"See, this is what I was talking about." Spencer says to Landon, "I don't understand why she is still around. You should have dumped her ass after you struck out. But no, now she's fucking living with Connor and we can't get rid of her. This bitch is going to break up the bros." Spencer fixes his eyes on me. "Dude have some fucking loyalty, bros before hoes."

"Look Landon, you and I have been friends for ages. And you should know that I care about you a lot. But Olivia is living with my family, and in a way she's become a member of the family."

"Like I said yesterday, why the hell is she still living there. She should go back to wherever the fuck she came from," Spencer rants.

I ignore Spencer. "You should know my parents well enough to know that they aren't going to turn on Olivia and they aren't going to let me turn my back on her either. It's just not in the values they have imparted. Just like your dad has certain non-negotiable values, my parents are the same way. You get that right?"

I eye Landon as he takes in what I'm saying. His face slightly softens as he sighs and calmly speaks.

"You're right. It's just strange seeing my ex with you. But I get it; she's part of your household. And if you're telling me that it's nothing more, I believe you. It's still weird though."

I wave of relief hits me as I listen to Landon. "So can I sit down with you or what?"

Landon gently nods and slides over his backpack to make room.

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