Chapter 65: Connor

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June 1999

Thoughts of Olivia have consumed me for the last four months. I haven't been able to concentrate on anything other than her. Am I a fool for letting her go? It's not like I wanted to, but Landon said she was off limits. I'm trying hard to be loyal to my friend but at the same time, I desperately want her to be my girl. I can honestly see a future with her. The next four years would no doubt be difficult with her at Spelman and me away at the Naval Academy, but I'm prepared to do the work to keep us together.

I'd visit as frequently as I could, and she could come visit me. If we could make it through college, we'd have a solid relationship that would withstand anything. Maybe if I sit down and have a real talk with Landon I can make him come around. Olivia deserves a man who values her, a man that loves her and understands her. I know it might be hard for Landon to accept but that man is me.

I just got back from Camp Discovery where I'm working as a day camp counselor this summer. Normally, I work at The YMCA as a lifeguard, but I thought it'd be more enriching to work directly with the kids as a counselor since I'm 18 now. My group consists of six boys from ages 11-13. To say they're a wild bunch would be an understatement. They certainly keep me on my toes and I'm drained by the end of each day.

I hear a voice from behind me as I step out of the car.

"Hey Bro, you just getting home?"

I turn to see Landon walking up the driveway.

"Hey," I grab my black backpack out of my backseat, "yeah, we can hang out though." It's been a long day and I really just want to relax. My plan was to see what Mom made for dinner then raid the kitchen and chill out and watch tv but after this summer life will never be the same again. Come August my friends and I will all be starting new lives, so I'm trying to relish our time together as much as possible.

Landon and I make our way to my room. I survey Olivia's empty room. The bed has been stripped of her comforter and her favorite blanket and the walls are bare. The house feels different since Olivia moved out a few days ago. It was hard seeing her pack-up but with her not living here anymore and graduation behind us, it makes things slightly less complicated since my parents probably wouldn't have been comfortable with us dating while she lived here.

Olivia was hurt when I told her I couldn't date her. I have no clue what happened the night Landon came over. Courtney tried for days to get Olivia to talk about it, but she never did. Though it took a week, she and I decided to remain amicable. And though I don't know what happened in her room that night, I know Landon stopped trying to pursue her and, instead, he has been seeing Fiona. Though he has said he is only seeing Fionacausally and they haven't put a label on it, I'm praying enough time has passed since his break up with Olivia and now is a good time to talk to Landon about the whole situation.

"Hey Bro, you think we could talk about something?" I ask.

"Yeah sure," he raises a brow. "What's up?"

"It's about Olivia."

Landon rocks back in forth in my desk chair as I pace the room.

"What about her?"

"I need to be honest with you." I hesitate for a beat. "I-- I have feelings for her."

He lets out an exasperated sigh, "I knew it." He clenches his fist. "Are you two dating?"

"No. That's what I wanted to talk to you about. I want to ask her out, but I won't do it if you're not ok with it."

"I'm not ok with it," he hastily snaps back.

"I just don't understand, you said yourself you weren't serious about her. Hell, your relationship with her started as a bet," I try to keep my tone in check so my frustration doesn't seep through. I plant myself in front of him, willing to confront this head on.

"Wow Connor you're a real piece of work. I'm telling you I don't want you dating her and you're still pushing the issue. I don't get it, find some other girl to fuck. Olivia's off limits."

I clench my jaw, "I don't want to fuck her. She means more to me than that but clearly that's all she ever was to you."

He jumps to his feet, and we're now nose to nose. "You don't know what the fuck you're talking about."

"I know you took her virginity and videotaped it all to win a bet."

"I did care, that's why I didn't show anyone! I told Spencer I lost, remember!"

"You pressured her to have sex with you Landon!" Landon's eyes grow wide as I continue. "She told me the truth! She told me she didn't want to, but you kept insisting. I'm sorry but what part of pressuring her into sex says you care about her?"

Landon shoves me, "Shut the hell up," his nostrils flare, "You don't know what you're talking about."

I narrow my eyes, "Oh I know exactly what I'm talking about because it came straight from Olivia. You made her feel like shit, and she told me at Christmas she regretted sleeping with you."

There's a knock on my door, then my door opens. Landon and I continue our stare down.

"Connor, I need to speak with you," my father says in a rattled voice. My mother is standing with him. I guess they must have overheard the exchange Landon and I were having.

I step back and give Landon space, but his eyes continue to pierce me. "Yeah Dad?"

"Your mother just got some news from Yolanda, Olivia was in a car accident last night."

My heart jumps in my throat, "Is she ok?" I ask in a panic. Landon and I have now turned our attention to my dad.

My mother chimes in, "Olivia is ok, she sustained some injuries. They kept her overnight for observation but she's home now."

I breathe a sigh of relief. "What happened?"

My dad's eyes are filled with sorrow. "She and some friends were hit head-on by a drunk driver last night. Unfortunately, the friends in the car with her weren't as lucky. Her friend Quan is in the ICU, he's in a medically induced coma." My dad takes a big breath, "and her friend Gabby died at the scene."

A wave of nausea hits me and I palm the back of my neck, "Oh no, Olivia must be devastated. We need to go see her so she knows we're here for her. Is Court home? We should go over there now," I say franticly.

"I think it would be best to give the Walkers some time." Dad places his hand on my shoulder. "They just spent all night at the hospital and Olivia needs time to process everything. We'll go straight after church tomorrow."

"I'm going to prepare a few meals to take over there," Mom says, "I'm taking meals to Quan and Gabby's families too once I can get their addresses."

I don't want to wait. I want to hold Olivia close to me but my parents are probably right. Her and her mother don't need to be bombarded with company right this second. They both need time to process everything. Courtney and I can give her a call later this evening to let her know we're thinking of her. "Ok," I take a deep breath and nod.

"You boys ok?" Dad asks.

"Yes, Sir," Landon responds with a quick shake of the head.

"Yea, Dad, I'm ok."

We are so close to end! Thank you to everyone who made it this far. I appreciate your support. Tell me what you think will happen next in the comments and please don't forget to vote. 

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