Chapter 57: Olivia

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Matthew and I spent the last hour listening to the radio and jumping on the trampoline in the Harrington's backyard. While Landon's yard was set up for adult entertainment with a pool, pool house and bar, the Harrington's is set up with children in mind. There's a huge swing set with a small rock wall, and multiple swings and slides. There is also a big trampoline and an old tree house that sits in a sturdy oak tree next to a small guest cottage.

The afternoon is clear and crisp. Though the sun gives us a little warmth, Matthew is buddled up in a puffer coat. I'm wearing my UNC hoodie Quan gave me for Christmas and purple fuzzy socks that are barely keeping my toes warm.

Connor comes out the back door, runs over and jumps onto the trampoline.

"Hey, I've been looking for you," he smiles to me.

I feel a tug in my belly, "I've just been out here playing with Matt."

"Do a back flip," Matthew cheers to Connor.

"Ok, but just one, then I need to talk to Olivia."

Matt and I step to the sides out of his way. Connor starts to bounce up and down, once he's gained enough height, he pulls his knees up to his chest and bends his body back completing a perfect back tuck. Matthew cheers, he and I have been too afraid to do any back flips.

"Hey, Matt why don't you go play on the slide for a little bit I need to talk to Olivia about something important."

"Eh, I want a drink. I'm thirsty." Matthew climbs down off the trampoline and sprints into the house.

Connor and I stand face to face in the middle of the trampoline before he jumps in playful circles around me. "How was your day?"

I start to bounce around with him. "It was fine. How was your day?"

His eyes roam to my chest then quickly back to my eyes, "It was good." He stops jumping then palms the back of his neck. "So listen about the dance—"

Of course, he wants an answer about the dance, he asked me a few days ago and I still haven't given him an answer.

"I'm sorry I should have asked you properly, and not have Court throw it on you at dinner. And I know you might you worried about running into Landon, but he said he wasn't going. He never goes to these things so that shouldn't be an issue." He stammers, "So I guess, what I'm trying to ask is uhh, Olivia will you be my date to the Sweetheart Ball?"

Knowing Landon won't be around gives me a sense of relief. It was the main reason I didn't want to go in the first place. I wasn't sure if he might try to embarrass me in front of everyone again, though he shouldn't care since we aren't together anymore. Plus, I talked to Dana and she said she, Keon and the others are going. That gives me comfort knowing my new friends will be there.

"Yes, I'd love to go to the dance with you," I say chirpily.

"Rad!" Connor does a back flip. "What color is your dress, so I know what color corsage to get you."

"Oh, I'm not sure."

"Well, it's a formal dance. It's just as big as prom but all the grades are invited. I'm sure Court can help you pick out something."

"Yeah, I'll talk to her and see if she has something I can wear."


After dinner Courtney and I head up to her room. She has so many formal gowns my head spins. She looks through all her dresses, pulling out a few for me to try on. After I slip on the first one Courtney shakes her head in disapproval, "I don't know Olivia. I'm not sure these will fit." We both look into her full-length mirror. Courtney is built much differently than I am, she is about 6 inches taller and much thinner."It would need alterations."

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