Chapter 62: Landon

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"Hi, Mrs. Harrington," I politely greet when she opens the front door. She's wearing an apron and not a single hair is out of place. She's like one of those perfect tv moms, like June Cleaver, always dressed nicely, hair and make-up done and she's always baking something.

She's the total opposite of my mother, who is buzzed before the morning is even over most days and sits around in a house coat. Instead of spending her days cooking up family meals like Mrs. Harrington, she sips cocktails and shops. And on a bad day she takes a few Xanax, washes them down with some kind of tonic then hides away until she comes to.

"Well hello Landon, don't you look nice," she says as she looks over my suit. "Where are you heading off to?"

"I just had dinner with my parents."

"Ahh, ok. Well, I haven't seen you around in a while," she says casually.

It's true, I haven't stepped foot in here since the break-up but she is well aware of that. It's been far too difficult to be around Olivia. I felt ashamed of how I treated her the night of the party. I grossly overreacted. Then I dug myself deeper when talking to Connor the next day. I should have just apologized. Told her I was an ass, instead I let by bullheadedness get in my way.

"Is Connor around?" I ask.

"Come on in. He's up in his room working on homework, I think."

"Thank you," I give a nod then do a light jog up the stairs. I really came here to talk to Olivia, after that disastrous Valentine's Day dinner I know what I must do but asking to speak to her would inevitably lead to questions from Mrs. Harrington. I fix my tie one last time as I reach the top of the staircase. I walk down the hall to find Connor's door wide open, I peek in, but he isn't in there. My eyes are pulled to Olivia's door when I hear laughter from across the hall. I can hear her laugh echoing throughout the room. It's high pitched and breathy. Her door is cracked, so I take a peek and I'm stunned to find Connor lying on top of her on her bed. He's bracing himself with his left arm. Her curls are fanned out on the bed and she waves around a journal above her head trying to keep it out of his reach. He's pretending not to be able to reach it, but it's obviously an act. He could easily grab it in one swipe.

"Come on Birdie, let me read it," he laughs.

She tucks the journal to her side, "Nope, it's private," she continues to giggle.

I smolder with resentment, why is he in her room on top of her!

"Come on, what's it say? Oh I know," he teases, "Dear diary, my crush looked so cute today—"

She playfully punches him, "Shut up." Her cheeks turn pink.

"OHHH I must be right. So, who's your crush? Anybody I know?" he playfully pesters.

"Maybe," she mischievously grins. "Don't you have homework you need to finish?" she says impishly changing the subject.

He strokes her cheek with his free hand, "It can wait."

She breaks into a fit of giggles and cups her right hand to the back of his neck. He leans in. He looks as if he is about to kiss her. I don't wait around to find out. I open the door all the way, Connor turns when he hears it creak. Their laughter ends and he goes white as a ghost then quickly gets from on top of her.

"Landon, uhh hey. I wasn't expecting to see you," Connor says in a rattled voice.

"Clearly," I hiss.

She sits up, her eyes dart between me and Connor.

"I thought you were having dinner with Fiona tonight?" Connor nervously chatters.

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