Chapter 20: Olivia

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Tanisha, Tameka and I make our way into my building. I knock on my apartment door. My mom opens the door after a few seconds and stares at me standing in only a towel and bathing suit.

"Liv, where are your keys and your clothes?" she questions.

I try to stay calm, "I accidentally left them at Landon's house."

She gives all of us a suspicious look. "Did you girls have fun?" She looks at her watch, "It's only 6:00. You came back much earlier than I expected. I thought you'd stay out until curfew."

I force a smile, "Yeah, it was fine. His dad said it was getting late and asked Landon to bring us home." My mother and I have a very open relationship and I rarely lied to her, but this is one time I think it's best to leave out the exact details. No telling how she would react if she knew Landon's father had used racial slurs and called the police on us.

"Oh? You ladies weren't being too loud were you?"

"No ma'am, they just had dinner plans that Landon needed to get ready for."

"Oh, so how did you forget your stuff?"

"Well, we didn't change out of our bathing suits before we left so I never went back into the pool house to grab my bag. No biggie, I'll have Landon bring it to me."

She glances at Tanisha and Tameka who break eye contact with her.

"Hmm... Oookk. Liv, are you sure everything is alright?"

Shit, she knows something is up. Please Lord, don't let her keep asking questions.

"Yes, Mama it's fine. We're just all tired. You know how draining swimming is."

"Ok, but we're going to have a talk a little bit later."

My friends and I scamper into my room. Tanisha and I lay on my twin bed.

"I need to call my mom to pick me up." Tameka says as she picks up my house phone.

"Yo, that was fuckin' wack. I can't believe his dad said those things," Tanisha utters.

I roll onto my back and sit a teddy bear over my face. "I don't even wanna talk about this."

Tanisha lifts the bear off my face. "You gotta break up with him. You can't date someone who is racist."

Tameka hangs up the phone and lays on my lime green bean bag.

"Landon is a nice guy and he isn't racist. Clearly, he was just as shocked as we were. I can't blame his dad's reaction on him, that wouldn't be fair to him."

"Ok, fine. We'll give him the benefit of the doubt but still." She lowers her voice, "I know you slept with him, but Liv you can't be that desperate for love that you'd put up with that type of thing. I'd be rethinking this relationship if I were you." Tanisha sits the bear back down on my face.

We just got back together, and I don't want to lose him again but maybe Tanisha is right. Clearly his family's belief system doesn't align with mine.


Within the hour both Tanisha and Tameka had gone home leaving me alone in my room. My mom is in her room studying when the house phone rings.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Hey Ollie,"

"Hi Landon."

Listen, I'm really sorry that happened. I have no idea why my dad was acting that way. Can I stop by to see you tomorrow?"

"Landon I don't know if that's a good idea."

"I should at least bring your bag to you, all your stuff is still here."

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