Chapter 23: Landon

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"Come on, she's not going to bite. I promise. She just wants to meet the guy I've been talking about some much."

I'm nervous to finally be meeting Olivia's mother. I agreed to start hanging out at Olivia's house since we can't go to my house anymore and part of hanging out at her house means meeting her mother.

"You talk to her about me?" I ask quizzically. I had never talked about any of my girlfriends to my parents and always assumed the same to be true for them.

"Of course! You're my boyfriend. Plus, my mom and I talk about everything."

"Everything?" I ask with a concerned look.

"Well, just about everything. We have a very open relationship."

I hold my breath as we make our way into her apartment.

"Mama, I'm home."

"Hey honey, you're home early. I wasn't expecting you for another thirty minutes." Her mother called from the kitchen.

"I didn't catch the bus today, I got a ride."

"Oh?" A brown skin woman in her mid-thirties appears from the kitchen. "Well hello, you must be Landon."

"Yes, Ma'am. Nice to meet you Ms. Walker."

She walks over and greets me with a warm embrace. I timidly hug her back as I'm not huge on displaying affection. "Well it's nice to finally meet you. Olivia talks about you all the time. Come on in, have a seat. It's so kind of you to go out of your way to bring her home. I really appreciate that."

"It's not a problem at all, I want to make sure she rides the bus as little as possible." I take a seat on a green plaid sofa with Olivia.

"That's nice of you." She gives me a warm smile and sits in an armchair, "So Landon tell me about yourself. Do play any sports?"

"No, ma'am. I played Lacrosse one year. But I'd rather focus on my academics."

"Lacrosse? I'm not familiar with that."

"Mama, it's like football and hockey combined. Right Landon?"

"Yes, I guess that's an accurate description."

"Landon, are you staying for dinner?" Yolanda asks.

"YES! Stay for dinner please. You don't have to be home for a few hours." Olivia insists.

"Ok, I'll stay. Thank you."

"Great, I just finished making everything."

The three of us get up. I make my way over to a small round wooden table then sit down at the table.

Yolanda fixes her plate and heads out of the kitchen to sit down. I watch Olivia scoop some spaghetti noodles onto two plates then scoop the sauce from the other pan on top on the noodles. She makes her way of out the kitchen with both plates.

"Here you go," she sits down a plate in front of me. "Let me get you a fork."

"Thanks sweetie." I've been served thousands of times before by the staff but there is something special about having my girlfriend serve me.

Olivia's mother gives her a perplexed look as she returns to the table with utensils.

"What?" she asks her mother as she hands me a fork.

Yolanda gives a smirk and shakes her head. I'm curious what their glances mean. I pick up my fork and stick it in my spaghetti. I twirl the noodles onto the fork and I'm about to put it up to my mouth when Yolanda clears her throat.

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