Chapter 26: Landon

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It's been an interesting day, and I'm wondering if bringing Olivia to hang out with my friends was a good idea. The afternoon started off rough with Ethan making weird comments and she seemed very uncomfortable. And while everything is seemingly innocent, she and Connor had gotten a little too friendly for my liking. They had spent an awfully long time alone in Connor's room. When I went up to check on them, I could hear them laughing together from all the way down the hall. I'll admit, I was aggravated to find her laying comfortably on his bed, in his shirt. I don't like how Connor made her giggle while he taught her the guitar, and I hated how Connor touched her to position her fingers on the strings. It all drove me nuts. I wanted to be the one touching her and making her laugh. I thought I wanted my friends to like her, but it wasn't what I thought it would be. Olivia is my serenity, my bliss and I want to keep her all to myself.

Furthermore, I detest how Ethan gawks at her. There's desire in Ethan's eyes when she walks past. Ethan cranes his neck just trying to get a glimpse of her. He doesn't even try to hide the fact he's looking.

"Hey baby, where is the restroom?" Olivia asks.

"Just down the hall, last door on the left."

She walks away from the pool table and heads down the hall. I make my way back near the TV and watch Connor and Spencer playing Mario Kart. I seriously contemplate leaving here to take Olivia to hang out somewhere else.

"I'm going to get another drink," Ethan announces then heads out of the room.

I'm sitting in somewhat of a daze reflecting on the day when I hear Olivia's voice call out.


I quickly jump up and make my way down the hall, Connor and Spencer follow closely behind. Upon arriving I immediately notice Olivia crying, my eyes then scan Ethan who is curled over holding his privates.

"What the hell is going on?" I move towards Olivia. "Baby, are you ok?"

"This asshole groped me and asked me to give him a blowjob," she says sobbing.

"This bitch is lying, I only said that I bet she gives the best head," Ethan retorts.

"Really dude?" Connor heatedly states. "As if that makes it better?"

"Come on Sullivan why else would you keep her around?"

Her entire body trembles as I hold her against my chest. "He touched you?"

"Yes," she wept.

I feel a vortex of anger swirling inside me. He put his hands on her? He put his fucking, filthy hands on my Ollie!

"Can we please get out of here? I just want to leave," she pleads.

Ethan hisses, "That's a good idea, Sullivan, take the bitch back to the projects where she belongs. I don't know why you even brought her around if she wasn't game to have a good time."

"Fuck that!" Connor pushes Ethan violently against the wall. "Ethan, YOU need to leave!"

"Wow dude," says Ethan. "I swear you and Sully go on a safari to Lamberts Point and come back with fucking jungle fever."

Spencer lets out a snicker.

"Ethan just shut the fuck up," Connor yells in his face.

"Sully left Samantha for this mutt. You're just bitchin' because her little ghetto friend didn't come along. When are you two idiots ever going to snap out of it? Now if this bitch isn't going to start passing up some pussy, she needs to take her ass back to where she came from." Ethan reaches into his pocket and pulls out a few bills and throws at Olivia's feet where she's still wrapped tight in my arms. "Cab fare. Or the offer still stands, get on your knees to earn it."

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