Chapter 3: Landon

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"I had fun tonight," Olivia says as she licks her cone.

I attempt to look her in the eyes, "Yes, so did I." My eyes drift back down to her tongue. God, she has a beautiful mouth. Her lips are naturally full and slightly pouty. I picture her mouth on me as she continues to lick her ice cream. I feel a stiffening in my pants and adjust in my seat.

"You know I almost hung up on you when you called me this morning," she indicates.

"Why?" I query.

"Because you seemed like a jerk at the movies the other day."

"I thought I was being nice."

"Nice? It came across very arrogant and cocky."

"Oh, I'm sorry that really isn't me at all. I'm quite the opposite actually."

She shoots me a look like she isn't convinced.

"Ok, maybe I was trying to show off a little bit because my friends were around. We can get really competitive at times," I finally acknowledge.

"Well, I like this version of you much better."

Somehow I get lost looking into her hazel eyes. She's funny, pretty and intelligent. She has a playful nature that is very childlike. Whereas Samantha is stern and serious. Olivia doesn't put on airs like Samantha, who thinks she's better than everyone else.

Olivia looks at a group of boys a few tables away and the boys stare back. She rolls her eyes and lets a frustrated sigh slip out.

"Everything ok?"

"Yea." She looks through her plush Tigger backpack and pulls out a yellow Sony Walkman. "I should probably get going though." She gets up from the table.

Fuck, my mind so busy drifting to naughty thoughts, now I can't get up to walk her out. I try willing away my hard on. I need to think of an excuse to stay seated. "You sure you can't stay a few more minutes? I'm having such a good time."

"Nah, I gotta get going." She walks over to me, leans over and softly kisses my cheek. "Thanks for tonight." She smiles then puts on her headphones and disappears into the crowded mall.

While the kiss on the cheek was nice, it was nowhere close to her sleeping with me. I stay seated waiting for the situation in my pants to resolve itself when a guy from the group approaches the table. He's wearing a dark blue FUBU shirt and baggy jeans.

"What you doin' with my homegirl?" questions the teen boy.

I look up at the 6'6 teen towering over me. "I'm sorry what?" My problem quickly resolves itself.

"Olivia. What you doin' out with her?"

I'm a bit flustered, "I was on a date with her."

Another guy from the group comes over, "Yo Q, what are you doing?"

"Olivia went on a date with this clown!" Q turns his attention back to me. "Are you her new boyfriend or something?"

"No," I shift uneasily in my seat, "it was just a date."

"Im'ma be watching you," he warns then walks away back to his table his friend following behind him.

I get up and make my way out of the mall. Who is Q to Olivia. Her ex boyfriend? Whoever he is, he didn't seem thrilled with her talking to me. I start to wonder if this bet is worth the trouble.


I return home pulling into the rounded driveway behind Samantha's Porsche. I walk in the house and Rosita approaches me.

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