Bonus: Olivia

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"Push in the clutch, and put the car into first gear," Landon says.

I follow his instructions. It's a Saturday morning about two hours before I'm due to go in for work. We've been sitting in this empty parking lot for about ten minutes going over the basics of what I need to know to drive a stick shift. I've practiced shifting gears and letting up off the clutch, all with the car off. Now it's time to put my ten minutes worth of skills to use.

"Ease off the clutch and slowly give it gas," he instructs.

I let off the clutch too fast and don't give the car enough gas, the BMW violently shakes then jerks forward and stalls out.

"Sorry," I wince.

"It's fine, let's just try it again," he patiently tells me. "Put it in neutral, push in the clutch and turn it back on."

"Why couldn't you just get an automatic like normal people?" I ask.

"Because most sports cars are manual and since I plan to have a collection of vintage sports cars, I need to know how to drive them," he states as a matter of fact. "Ok, let's just focus on this. Press in the clutch, put it in first, and give it some gas while letting up your left foot."

I do as instructed and the car slowly creeps forward. "I'm doing it!"

"Great job Sweetie," he smiles, "But let's try it a few more times. Try coming to a stop."

I press the brake and the car shakes and jerks and stalls out.

"Sorry, what did I do wrong?"

"Remember, the car has to be neutral before you press the brake."

"Gosh, I suck at this," I say with a frown.

"Babe, don't worry, you'll get it. It took me a few tries to remember everything," he reassures me.

I'm starting to have second thoughts about wanting to learn this, but I'm fascinated watching him effortlessly shifting gears when we drive along. He hears the engine and feels the car tugging and knows it's time to shift to a higher or lower gear. It's a skill I want to learn. And if I'm being completely honest, I want to drive slow laps around the mall one weekend with the top down and show off a bit. I mean, my boyfriend drives a BMW, who wouldn't want to show off. I can totally picture it. The convertible top down, music blasting, my boo in the passenger seat and my home girls in the back, all of us lookin' fly. Everyone is at the mall on Saturday, and it would make me the talk of the school, for something good this time.

Landon leans back in the passenger seat, his expression calm and encouraging despite my repeated stalling. I take a deep breath, trying to shake off the frustration that has been building with each failed attempt. With Landon's guidance, I maneuver the car back into gear. I feel a surge of excitement as the car smoothly moves forward. A grin spreads across my face as I realize I'm actually doing it.

Landon's smile mirrors my own, "That's it, baby, you've got it," he says, his pride evident in his tone.

For the next hour I practice, and I gradually gain more confidence with each successful lap around the lot.

"Ok, I think you're ready for the road," Landon suggests.

"The road? Are you sure?"

"Yup, go ahead. Let's head out to the main road."

My heart races with excitement and nerves, eager to put my new skills to the test. Not long after being on the main road we come to a red light.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Landon holds the dash board and pumps his imaginary brake.

I pull the car in neutral and bring the car to a stop, just a few inches from the car in front of us.

"Baby, you can stop a little sooner next time," he says mockingly with a touch of seriousness.

"Sorry," I wince.

When the light turns green, I effortlessly get into first gear.

"This lane is about to end so you need to get over," he directs.

I check my rear view mirror and the coast appears to be clear. I throw on the right blinker and begin to ease into the right lane.

Landon looks over his shoulder, "Wait, wait, wait," he says just as a car creeps up beside me. "You have to check and be sure the way is clear before getting over."

"I did check."

"No, you didn't. You need to use your rear and side view mirror and you need to check over your shoulder for blind spots. Geez, how did you get your license?"

"Well, the road was pretty empty when I took the drivers test."

"Clearly," he says teasingly but doesn't get mad.

"Plus, I don't really have much time to practice. Mama says I make her too nervous."

"It's fine," he says. "Just keep your focus on the road and feeling the gears so you know when the shift."

I focus intently on the road ahead, left hand on the wheel, right on the gear shifter. I feel a sense of accomplishment with each smooth shift of the gears.

Landon watches me with a proud smile, "You're a natural," he says.

"Does this mean I'll get to drive the Ferrari when you get one?" I tease.

"Not if you keep switching lanes like you do," he jokes. "Tell you what, I'll get you a cute car of your own," he says with a genuine grin. "Maybe a Porsche. And I'll keep the body shop on speed dial."

"Shut up!" I laugh. "It's crazy to think you taught me a skill that will stay with me for a lifetime."

"Oh, I hadn't thought of it like that," he ponders. "I'm glad I could be the one to teach you."

Joy bubbles up in my heart. "Me too."

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