Chapter 67: Landon

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After a short discussion we head for New York. Olivia thought we should stop back home and pack our bags, but I knew if I took her back home someone would have probably tried and talked us out of going. We were already over an hour outside of Atlanta and I could afford to get us everything we needed, so we agreed to keep driving. We stopped in Big K-mart for a few necessities such as some clothes, toiletries, a map, a disposable camera and a camcorder. Then we took time to have lunch at McDonalds.

We pull over to a rest stop outside of Charlotte, North Carolina. My cellphone is dead, so Olivia is calling her mom from a payphone. It's after 4:00pm and we still have a long drive ahead of us. I unfold the map on the hood of my car while Olivia uses the phone. If my calculations are right, I can get us to Richmond, Virginia just before 10pm, if we include another pitstop.

She comes back over to me. "She wasn't home yet so I left a message on the answering machine."

I honestly feel a little relieved. I know her mother would have insisted that she come home had they talked on the phone. "What did you say in your message?" I ask.

"Just that I went out and I'm safe."

I nod. "I think our best option is to stay in Richmond for the night. We should get there around 9:30. If we leave early, we'd get to New York around noon."

"Sounds good," she climbs into the passenger's seat.

The ride is quiet for the next hour or so. It's not an awkward quiet, it's a peaceful quiet. It's one of the things I really love about Olivia. Silence around other girls is strange, and it feels like someone should be saying something. But with Olivia it's comfortable and we are content just being in each other's presence.

Selena "Dreaming of You" is the next song that comes up on Olivia's mixed tape.

"Gabby loved Selena," she turns up the radio and sings along.

Olivia looks out the window, her fingers surfing the breeze, and tears cascade down her face. The top is down and the wind has taken a hold of her curls. She rests her head on her right arm, and she succumbs to the weight of her grief as more tears are unleashed. Each tear speaking volumes about the connection she has lost.

As the song comes to a close, she tilts her head toward the sky. She brings her left hand to her mouth and blows a kiss, "Goodbye Gabby."


*TW: Suicidal Thoughts*

It's been a long day and we're finally checked in at the Sheraton. I sit our new shared suitcase on one of the double beds.

Olivia grabs a napkin and a slice of Pizza Hut pizza, kicks off her shoes, and sits on the left bed, I sit across from her on the other with my slice of pizza.

"You know, I used to love Pizza Hut. Now I've been spoiled by Cosmo's, Pizza Hut just isn't as good," Olivia says.

"Not even close," I smile.

She's quiet for a moment, then she speaks, "Thanks, Landon."

"It's just Pizza," I say.

"No, not the pizza," she smiles solemnly. "Thanks for the trip. I was in a really dark place when you came this morning. I just have so much guilt."

"I don't understand, why do you feel guilty? You didn't do anything you weren't even the driver."

"I don't know maybe it is partly my fault. But-- it just feels wrong to be alive."

The pace of my heart quickens. "Ollie, don't say that."

"But it's true. How is it fair that I walked away with just a gash on my head, but Gabby's gone, and Q might not pull through? Why did God spare me? It feels wrong, like maybe I should have died too. After Devon got out the car, I normally would have gotten into the front, but I was mad at Q. This older guy was talking to me at the concert and Q called himself being protective and chased him away. Q wasn't wrong, the guy was like, in his thirties. I was enjoying the attention. but I wasn't even interested in the guy. I yelled at Q for always being in my business, I told him to fuck off and I can take care of myself. So when Devon got out, I stayed in the back because I was still ignoring Q and I told Gabby to ride up front."

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